Wednesday, August 14, 2024


The reason we started homeschooling is because one of my kiddos had so much difficulty with processing the teaching and social interactions in school....  

However, what a journey we have walked with neuro developmental difficulties in processing.

 The past 15 years we have learned more about the brain and how Neurodevelopmental differences show up in childhood and how to navigate that path.

Have you ever wondered why some children or individuals face unique challenges in their development, learning, or social interactions? Well, the answer lies in the intriguing world of neurodevelopmental disorders. 

Maybe I can eventually find a way to share all the things I have learned and am continuing to learn. It truly is fascinating.

In the past, if someone had a stroke, they were stuck. But now the medical world understands that the stroke victim can regain almost all of their speech, movement, etc. through therapy that restores the brains pathways!

Now research is showing there are therapies that also help the brain of those with neurodevelopment difficulties to REBUILD pathways and GAIN skills and abilities thought to never be possible! And we have witnessed it!

Just a little thought I wanted to share today as I tapped our website links to see when was the last time I was able to share something.

We celebrate the journey to being an overcomer.

Victory is His.

God takes all things and works them together for good. Romans 8:28 

Thank you to each person who has prayed with us through this challenge.


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Standby...Issues... and Technical Problems... 😎😁


Brain cells.


All those things seem to have vanished when I began our journey into homeschool!

Having your kids with you 24/7/365 - it has a way of zapping any extra Time, Brain Cells, or Margin you may have previously had!!!

So, my struggle to research and troubleshoot why our blog, "Sharing Our Steps", became locked up over the past couple of years - was compounded by not having additional time, extra brain cells, or any margin to get it figured out! Arghhhhh! (....and no I do not think I am now turning into a pirate). 😂


However, I have finally found a workaround! The direct link ( is somehow the problem - 

So, by going back to the root web address - ( - I have a temporary fix until the time I can find TIME to dedicate BRAIN CELLS and have MARGIN to fully figure out how to fix the problem or reboot this thing!


So, soon I am hoping to bring back our news and stories! Stay tuned for the COMEBACK! 


Sunday, February 16, 2020

Update on our current MISSIONS TRANSITION !

Here is an update on our current saga:
Whew. After weeks of completing transition prep - we are finally stepping ahead to our new missions assignment. Please pray for us today. We are leaving our home in MO - and a realtor friend is going to put it on the market for us. We drive away today, leaving all of our belongings there - and begin the search to find a home near our team that we will be working with in India. We must all relocate to Central Florida, where the main hub office is, and then begin the travel in and out of India throughout the year.
***PLEASE pray with us that our home in MO will sell quickly and for it's FULL price.
*** PLEASE also pray with us that we will find a new home quickly for a miracle price. The market is so different when you get away from MO & AR!
Even though today is not the "final" day we will drive away from this house, we have a LOT of memories here. I think we are all feeling sentimental about leaving the home we have grown in, healed in, touched heaven in, and it's all Micah has ever known.
***So please pray for all of us. That God will put blessing and opportunities and JOY before everyone of us.

Here is the latest on what we are now committed to doing in missions:
Half of the world’s population live in villages without churches.
To plant village churches you need trained pastors.
The Oral Learners Bible Institute (OLBi) is a unique three-year video-based Bible school that trains and equips villagers to plant and pastor churches in their own communities.
41 courses; over 1500 video lessons produced in the student’s own language.

Brad will be using his gift of creative kingdom minded video production to partner with this team training church planters.

The ministry has been in a desperate need for someone to help them complete the Bible School Training courses on video for those called to plant churches to the vast peoples across Asia that still do not use a written language and are not literate.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Broken Link...

OK... so I am having major issues with our blog. Technical difficulties.  So over the past couple of years I lost total access to it, and when I do get a chance to "trouble shoot" - I have never been able to figure out what all of the problems were.

Because of that I recently let the domain go...
so is no longer good.

However,  all of our content posts are still accessible at

I know everyone probably thinks I fell off the wagon, or even the edge of the earth or something over the past looooooong WHILE here!

And that would be definitely true in some ways!

Thank you to all of you that followed our journey through the years and for the messages of support and prayer that you have sent our way.  Thank you to all of you who have been keeping up with us on Facebook since my technical issues have interrupted my blog updates!

We stand on the shoulders of all of our prayer partners and financial supporters in every work we do for the kingdom!

Your love and support mean so much!
Thank you!!

Much love.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Where have you been, McMath's!!!???

Exactly the thoughts we have been sure most of our prayer partners and supporters have been wondering!!!!!

Well, let us tell you.... we are still here!!!!  :)  And seeing God move in our lives, and in our ministry, Network 211!

There have been a lot of challenges the past 18 months that have taken our complete focus and left us with little to no margin in time, energy, or brain cells!

More about that later down in this post!

But first!!!!!!  We must let you know that this is probably the most EXCITING time for us at Network 211 that we have had!  Not only are we continuing to reach out to many language groups and countries daily through our websites... but we just launched our BRAND NEW sister site and full-on ministry to our military families called, "The Warrior's Journey".  This project has been in the works for months now - and to see it coming to launch has been super exciting!

About 9 months ago we had a new guy join our team as our C.E.O. that is passionate about all things we are doing at N211.  But in addition to that he brought a life of experience from being in the military, and a desire to reach out to our soldier's and their families.

Brad has had the opportunity to work with a pretty amazing guy, a Hollywood film director, on many of the video shoots and interviews they have done around the US in preparation for the launch.  More details about "The Warrior's Journey" and all of the amazing things Brad has been doing will be in our next post!

Now, as to where in the world have we disappeared to over the past 15+ months of little posting on the blog, Facebook, or emails....

There is a backstory that I feel ready to share....

Our oldest daughter, Macy,  was having tremendous struggles in public school both socially and academically.  We had noticed from a very early age that she seemed limited in her verbal skills, and then from Kindergarten on there was always a struggle.  We kept thinking it must be all of the moves and upheavals with our missions journey and/or changing schools and therefore curriculums every year of her young life.  This may have contributed some to her struggles - but we began to sense and see that it was more than that.  Much more.  And about 15-18 months ago, right after the Lord supernaturally healed me (Glenda) of my 2 1/2 year sickness with nervous system upheaval and PTSD - I jumped in and began to pour all of my energies towards finding help and healing for her. 

We had her assessed and found that she has had a Language Processing Deficit, both receptive (hearing what people/teachers/friends are saying and comprehending it) and expressive (being able to express with words what you are thinking).  The gap in her assessment scores between non-verbal skills and verbal was significant.  Severe enough that she was going to drown in a classroom, but not severe enough for the state to offer any type of therapy or support.  One school speech pathologist I met encouraged me privately, "You need to get her out of the school.  She is going to drown, and there is nothing we can do to help her b/c the state only allows us to help/give therapy to kids that are considered 'severe'.  We want to help these kids b/c they are not going to make it without therapy - but we can't do anything! Our hands are tied!"

So there was my confirmation.  I knew I had been feeling a call to home-school her.  But I'm the girl who also said I would never home-school....because I didn't think I had the skills or patience to do it!

So....I (Glenda) have spent the past 17 months pouring my days and nights into seeing her make gains with this deficit (not really a disability) through different therapies AND embracing home schooling her with the community based co-op Classical Conversations. 

The difference is night and day.  Miraculous.  The broken, insecure, shy, girl that was wilting away in 5th grade - just started her 7th grade year with our homeschool co-op as a blossoming extrovert with a smile on her face and a song in her mouth.  We praise God for the work he is doing in her and continues to do! 

But the shift for our family and my (Glenda's) time to be completing my part of our missions responsibilities has been severely limited by these changes!  I have spent literally HOURS with her everyday for the past year and a half - and at the end of the day/week - had no brain margin or time left to engage in my missions updates, much less staying on top of our reporting, blog, social media, etc.  Any time reports came due I would find myself staying up all hours of the night to file the documents and email them.  What a drastic change from when I was able to work during  the days doing ministry while the kids were in school - to never having a moment of margin for "ministry" because of the all consuming demands of time spent on this new season of ministry; complete focus on the health and healing of our children and family.

We have made HUGE strides with our 3 kids in the past 2 months towards having them ALL home for homeschooling.  FINALLY our oldest is finding herself in her studies and is able to complete most of them without mom's presence and hand-holding through every moment of the day.  (Hallelujah!!!)  It's been a long road but SO WORTH IT to see God's healing in her over every area of her life.

Brad & I have been discussing how it has been so hard for me to keep up with our ministry communication!  And that we need to get back to consistency with updates.  Too much is at stake. We greatly need the prayer covering, both as a family and as a ministry.

We also definitely want to continue to communicate that we are so blessed by the partnership of our family, friends, and supporting churches - for we could not do what we do without the care and support of our faithful church partners and individuals!




Wednesday, January 6, 2016

25 Years Later and My Adoption is Becoming FINAL!!!!

Unbelievable.... Christmas started out with my mom standing up in the living room... and beginning to read... This precious paper with red words.  We were never able to have full adoption when I was younger.  After 25 years - they surprise me with this gift.  Adoption = Beautiful = Heart of God

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Brad just finished producing a video on "Hopeless" for our outreach websites on Network 211.  

People all over the world are searching for "Hope"… on the internet.

Pray that they will be directed to our site… and that they will find Hope in Jesus.

Please watch the short video link below and then share it with someone you know that needs hope.

Supernatural Healing! In the blink of an eye God healed me!

Thank you so much if you have prayed for me during the past 6 months.  It has been a long journey...  -Glenda


I had a terrible relapse with the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from December through March of this year.  My doctor speculates that what caused the relapse is a painful OBGYN appointment I had in late November.  The nurse practitioner kept pressing on my abdomen over and over even though I was yelping in pain.  Even though she was checking my ovaries - there was no reason to continue the aggressiveness when I was obviously in pain.  However, something happened that day… it seems my neurotransmitters went through the roof and could not stabilize again…. causing the relapse.  That seems ridiculous to me, but it was a similar situation (in a much lesser form) to laying on my back in an Operating Room in Madrid having my child ripped out of my body in a traumatic fashion.  

Another factor in it all is that I have never completely recovered in the past 3 years… but have just found ways to cope.  More on that below...

During this relapse I was incredibly sick and even confined to my bed at times.  There were days when I didn't think I was going to make it.  My body and brain had shut down.  These months were the darkest and most difficult I have experienced…just as bad as the original shut down that happened after Micah's birth while we were in Spain.  I grieved for my children.  I couldn't take care of them.  But I just could not get better.  I am so thankful for my mom and Brad's mom who both came and spent time taking care of me and our family!  

Two pivotal keys came out of this.  Keys that led me on a path towards healing.

First, the missionary women Bible study I was a part of had several women that had experience with a local brain/trauma specialist.  They were adamant that I should see him, and that he could probably help me.

He ends up being a brilliant physician, who ran tests to determine what type of medication my body would respond best to.  We began the process of switching me over to the right medication for my body and the PTSD recovery.  This brought me a 25% stability in the body and brain symptoms that were so difficult.  Not 100%, but any improvement was huge.

Second, I talked to one of my fellow missionary friends that had recently walked through the PTSD recovery process. She asked me if I had gone to counseling since the onset of the PTSD. I asked her, "why would I need to go to counseling? I already know what God's Word says... we have counseled other people through the years... how would that help me?"

She told me it would make a huge difference, and that just reprocessing the trauma with a trained counselor would help in ways that I could not understand.  

I didn't really want to, but I was DESPERATE. Desperate to be well. Desperate to be able to be a mom to my kids again.

It took me trying 3 counselors before I found the right one. Someone I could talk to and really connect with. God was leading, because this counselor grew up on the mission field and understood the layers of complexity that go with that on top of the medical trauma.

Something happened over the next 3 months of meeting with the counselor.  He walked me through all of the layers of trauma, and helped me to see that I was holding God accountable for my trauma and not attributing any of it to the fact that we live in a broken world.  We looked in Scripture at Godly people who suffered, not b/c God failed them, but b/c our world is broken since the fall. 

Joseph did not end up in the pit or the prison b/c God failed him or abandoned him. He did not end up there b/c he sinned. He ended up there b/c our world is broken, and sometimes we walk through trials. Yet, we can trust that God said he worked Joseph's situations for the ultimate good, to save many people.  Genesis 50:20.

I realized I had been devastated b/c I thought God abandoned me.  My perspective changed.  Something inside me began to shift.  Yet, I was still living with debilitating physical issues in my nervous system....


  On April 14, I was up really early praying… I was not praying for myself, but for others... I was crying... and shaking on the inside (which is what I have lived with for 3 years especially when I am praying)…  

When all of a sudden I could FEEL the Presence of God enter the room.  He was right beside me.

The crying... STOPPED.  The shaking... STOPPED.  In a milli-second.  A calm and peace flooded over my body and I was completely still.  

Something I could not have done on my own that quickly... I have served God for 25 years and experienced many great moments serving Him - but this was different.  It was a supernatural manifestation of his presence... I wasn't sure what it meant - but I knew that God had come that morning and had touched me.

BUT GOD!  Yes!  I feel compelled to shout my testimony from the rooftops!!!!

SINCE that morning - the extremely low blood pressure that made me so weak is GONE.  

The social anxiety that has limited me from being able to interact with people  - is GONE.  For 3 years I have had to gage every decision I make about social interaction by how it would affect my body.  Many times it would take me 3 days to recover from the adrenal fatigue.  In the last month I have been able to attend my brother's wedding shower, be a guest in church services, have lively conversations with people at church, meet new people,  chaperone field trips,  talk on the phone, and more! ...WITHOUT the severe nervous system shaking and 3 day crash and burn afterwards.  THIS is a MIRACLE!  

For 3 years this is the one thing that the PTSD medication could not help at all.  


I still have to take my medication while my neuro pathways and nervous system continue to heal…that has become obvious.  However, my doctor says in around 2 years my brain should form new neuro pathways and I won't need the medication anymore.

HOWEVER, God has healed me from the things that were debilitating to me that no medication was helping me with.  After 3 years of a roller coaster…. 


All thanks to our mighty and wonderful God who gives us HOPE!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Without You….

I am overcome with love and appreciation for all of the churches and individuals that support us financially each month so that we can do what we do.  Without you…. we could not fulfill this calling to reach people at the very ends of the earth.

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you for your sacrifice each month to keep us in missions.  It is not easy to leave a normal life to depend fully on missions support to fulfill your calling and to support your family.

May God abundantly bless you as you faithfully support us.
And to those of you who PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for us.  We need it now more than ever.  We need prayer over our ministry - that God would protect our work that nothing  could keep our websites from reaching the people groups we are ministering to…

...and  our family needs prayer.  I (Glenda) am battling some physical problems connected with the PTSD and my nervous system… and need a complete and total HEALING.  We desperately need Jesus to touch me and that His virtue will make me whole!  Please have your church praying for me!

May God richly bless you all friends, family, and supporters of this great work we have dedicated ourselves to.  Much love from the McMath Family.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thanksgiving Update

As we approach Thanksgiving, there are SO many things our family is thankful for:

God has kept us and preserved our lives.  God has shown us his goodness and faithfulness.

God is stirring our hearts to LOVE HIM… and to LOVE PEOPLE like never before.

The Missions Ministry we are doing is powerful and has God's anointing on it.

Lost people are searching for answers and hope online using Google.  

We are there with various language websites with the TRUTH and God's Word.

This is a few of the prayer requests from people visiting our site just this week:

This week's prayer needs:

Needs from inquirers around the world:

    I great u in the name of JESUS..I am a married woman, and I am HIV positive. So this is making me to loose hope that I feel rejected sometimes. Help me with prayers that we help me to focus n forget abt the sickness.I am a born again. I really need us help. Thank u in Jesus name
    I suffer from depression sometimes thinking about suicide and there is alot of reasons for it but truthfully, I use to believe and go to church and all that but after I got married to an abusive wife and was put through the ringer so to speak, I stopped believing. [...] my whole life has been terrible and wished that I never had it [...] suicide is the only answer that can come up with, not saying I'll go through with it, I really don't have the hair to do it but it only takes that "spur of the moment" [...]
    hi can you help me for pray
    I have some issues regarding my marriage at home.Please pray for me. Continously. I am totally depresed. Unable to take a wise decision. Pray.. pray... pray for me please.
    I am a Catholic. Have lost much through illness. Am constantly terrified into paralysis so don't get things done. Lot of pain. Want to not need pain relief & not be depressed.
    I need Him to take over my life i need Jesus to work through me and i should allow him to work.
    I have accepted. Jesus as my Lord and and savior since I was a lil boy back in 1994 and I got baptized 2002 November 17. But I am far away from Christ these days...
    AM living in fear of dying prematurely just pray for me to overcome the challenge.
    i feel lonely and hopeless,
Please join us in praying for our ministry at Network 211… that we will shine God's light in the darkness like never before and that HOPE and TRUTH will be found, and that LIVES would be TRANSFORMED! 

Jesus strengthen us!  Fill us with wisdom and anointing and the POWER of your Spirit!

7 Ways to Bless your Pastor

I realized that October….Pastor Appreciation month came and went.  But I couldn't find words this year to communicate what my heart was feeling about blessing your Pastors.  Most everyone who knows me knows how much I love Pastoral Families… having been a Pastor's daughter and a Pastor's wife in my life!

However, when I received this email link last night… I was like "Aha"! This is what I need to share!  If you missed doing something special for your Pastor during October - it's not too late!  The month of Thanksgiving is a Wonderful time to express your love and gratitude for them and all they do to serve you and your families!!

Who doesn’t love their pastor? Often times, pastors are just taken for granted because they are called to service for the church. I would love to encourage you, as a church goer, to bless your pastor.
Pastors are human and get discouraged, stressed and overwhelmed. They need more than just our prayers and finances. They need us, as much as we need them.

7 Ways to Bless Your Pastor

  1. Invite them to Dinner – Serve your pastor a cooked meal at your home or take them out after church on a whim. The time around the table is so personal and the conversation can be incredibly encouraging to everyone. Laugh together! Our pastor is one of the funniest people I know and he loves to laugh. Laughter is the best medicine and most pastors won’t share with their congregation when they are sick or needing some encourage.
  2. Send them a Card – If God has placed a scripture or word on your heart for your pastor, send it to him in a card. We all love getting cards with personal notes in them and our pastors are no different!  Even if you don’t have some purpose in writing a card, just a ‘thinking of you’ card can be the very thing your pastor may need to be joyful in his never ending duties.
  3. Raise Money for a Vacation – Pastors are some of the most frugal people I know and their vacations are often connect with visiting family or even a mission trip of some sort. Going around privately to the members of your church for a donation to send your pastor and his wife on a surprise get away just for themselves to be refreshed, I would encouraged you to do so. Even Jesus went away for his own refreshment!
  4. Do a Work Day at His House – This can be something you schedule with him or just show up. Landscaping or pressure washing the outside of the house or painting some shutters isn’t invading on what is going on inside and will be a quick way to let his neighbors know that good people live in that house and will uplift the spirits of the family inside.
  5. Drop a Gift Card in His Bible – Gift cards are a great way to express your love and allow them to have a time with their family at one of their favorite restaurants, fill up their car with fuel or buy the tool of his choice.  The gifting without being seen is one of the best ways to encourage a servant of the Lord!
  6. Throw a Church Wide Appreciation Dinner – Get everyone involved in celebrating the pastors of your church by coming together with an appreciation dinner. Special music, a powerpoint presentation highlighting their lives and sacrifices to His kingdom and even a table for thoughtful gifts can be a few elements to give your pastors a time of appreciation and love as a whole congregation.
  7. Inspiration Item to Use Often – I love to give a coffee cup with an encouraging scripture or a plater with a strong message that when it is used will remind my pastors how much they mean to our family time and time again.

If you are interested in the origin of this post, just click on this link:

Blessings to everyone that loves, prays, gives, and supports our family so we can do the work God has called us to do in International Missions!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Celebrating July 4th. In So. Many. Ways.

First and foremost - these 3 give us great reason to celebrate TODAY!

Two years ago on July 4th we took my mom and sister to Toledo, Spain, for sightseeing.  Even though I (Glenda) was still in incredible pain from my c-section 5 weeks earlier - I didn't want my mom and sister to go back to the US without ever getting out of our house in Spain!!!!  Sadly we spent the day at the police station filing a report on Mackenzie's backpack that was stolen as soon as we got to Toledo.  It was an #epicfailday.

Two years later.  So. Much. Has. Happened. Since. Then.

Pain.  Sickness.  Loss.  Grief.  Pressure.  Confusion.  Anger. Acceptance.  Healing.  Renewal.  Trust.  Revival.  Balance.  Growth.  Depth.  Health.  Stability.  Peace.  Joy.

That is a LOT of seasons.  It has been a long journey to recover from the effects of PTSD and understanding why God would allow such a thing to happen when you have left everything to follow His leading.

Yet do I know and understand Romans 8:28 like never before.  Even in the squeezing - God is working in and for us.  I found that so hard to believe during this difficult season… but I clung to it… I hoped.  I trusted.  SOMEHOW God you are going to WORK ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR GOOD.

I am still not 100% whole in the healing of my nervous system…. but the past 3 months have brought the greatest strides towards that goal than the entire 2 years since Micah's birth.  AMAZING.  ALL GLORY BE TO  GOD!

Today I celebrate the great heritage God has given us as Americans… in spite of all America's blemishes and failings… I am so thankful for those who gave their lives so that we could be FREE. There are so many around the world that would give anything for the freedoms that we have.  Freedom to choose Jesus first and foremost.

The ministry that we are working with continues to grow in INFLUENCE in so many nations around the world.  In just the past 3 months we have added websites with videos/content for searching people to learn about the TRUTH of JESUS….  in Russian, Japanese, and next week Korean.

This is a live - as of RIGHT now map of all of the people responding to the TRUTH of JESUS in the past hour or so:

Can anyone say - "Thank you God for Network 211 taking the TRUTH to the world through the internet??!!"   My soul rejoices at lives touched.  I am one who was forever changed by the saving power of Jesus who took the empty shell of who I was and filled me up with REAL LIFE.

Until next time…..  Love to ALL of our friends, family, supporters, and PRAYER WARRIORS!  You are what keeps us going!  You are the feet we stand on as we work for the goal that God has called us to!!!!  THANK YOU!!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lost Treasures

After setting out on our journey into the "unknown" almost 6 years ago now… we are unpacking boxes that have been tucked in corners, attics, closets, basements…


To my great surprise - after opening this box from the corner of the garage…. I found Mia's special zebra blanket… and MY GUITAR!  I had not been able to find these since we have been back in the states!  We had a celebration!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Video Update

Here is the video update recorded during the start of the new year...

God is able to do MORE than all we ask or imagine, according to HIS power that is at work within us…  Ephesians 3:20

News Article Highlights Our Ministry

The weekly Magazine "The Pentecostal Evangel" is highlighting our ministry, Network 211 in this Sunday's edition, Feb 9, 2014!

See it here first!!