Saturday, August 17, 2013

Just WHAT is it you guys are doing again?

I know it may seem that every update I posted so far this year has been more about our family,  our crisis, overcoming trials, regaining health, etc

But you know - even though our ministry was "going on"... it was our FAMILY that was fighting tooth and nail to find normalcy and health again!  And I knew that the prayers of our FAITHFUL friends and support team were so important to sustain us by God's hand as we walked through this season.  The past 2 months have proven to be the greatest steps forward for both our family and my health.

HOWEVER, I am WAYYYYYYYY overdue in sharing with you how God is using Brad and the missions ministry team we work with!!!  Brad now works with International Ministries under the AGWM umbrella.  He actually went to Holland in May for a week for some strategic meetings on using media to reach, to teach, to tell the story, and so much more... but I will save that for another blog post! (Spoiler Alert: Corrie ten Boom house...)

There is SO much to share!

1.  For example: Did you know that we are now working with the missions team we started out to work with in the beginning of our missions journey?  Over 5 years ago?  Our path took us on a detour - but now God has brought us back to where we started!

2.  Did you know that a little over 5 years ago - this missions team - Network 211 - had a vision to reach 10 million people online in 10 years?

3.  Did you know that is has only been 5 years... and we are about to hit our 9 MILLIONTH visitor to our evangelism sites?

4.  Have you guessed that we have recently had to re-up our vision??  We have done it in 5 years - NOT 10!

5.  Did you know we are now talking about instead of Project 10 Million - going to Project 100 Million?

6.  Did you know that  our evangelism web sites are offered in English, Farsi, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Spanish?

7.  Did you know that you can go to and see REAL TIME results as people around the world visit our evangelism websites?  We spend a lot of time using google ads to drive "seekers" and "hurting/needs based searchers" to the sites.

I REALLY believe that in these last days God is going to REDEEM technology and use it to bring the transforming hope and knowledge of the Gospel to those who have not heard.... excited that He has allowed us to be a part of the Harvest of souls Internationally.

Thank you for praying for our family. Please continue to do so!

And please be praying for this media ministry.  It is not about just "doing" media.  But it is about evangelism.  REACHING people with the transforming power of Jesus and helping them find a REAL relationship with God.  This is a HUGE task.  The Holy Spirit is already drawing people in these last days...  and we are doing our best to be "there" -aka - our "location/field" is ... ONLINE.  

8.  Did you know that the amount of people now ONLINE constitute the official LARGEST language group?  Who will speak to the nations?  Who will tell them of His love?  Who will give up a normal life to make this mission your life work?

We will.  But we can not do it alone. The prayer and support of our friends and team sustain us...and sustain this work.

Thank you Jesus for people and churches who believe in us.  And in this calling. 

We LOVE you!

Authentic Relationship with the One True God

Wow. Just wow.  Just started this book.  

It's been on my shelf for a long time.  I didn't expect the pages to be so rich with God-searching... so stirring... so... TIMELY. this.... "I want more than just spiritual life but spiritual health - whereby my soul is not just renewed and restored but becomes a source of refreshment for others.  God-infused lifestyle...  ...I want my love for Him to come alive again so that my heart dances at the very thought of him.  I want a REAL relationship with Him...  

I want a relationship that is real, authentic, and life-giving even when it hurts.  I want to know God stripped of as many false perceptions as possible.  Such a journey risks exposure, honesty, and even pain, but I'm hungry and desperate enough to go there.   I want to know the Organic God." -Margaret Feinberg

Here is the link to buy it on Amazon... Just in case this stirred your soul like it did mine this morning!  

The Organic God The Organic God
by Margaret Feinberg
4.7 out of 5 stars (60 customer reviews)
94 used & new from$2.92
Learn More