Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What really is a Disciple?

This video is definitely food for thought about church.  Even though great preaching and great worship are great.... the MOST important thing in church is RELATIONSHIPS.  And the most important thing in a relationship with God is the CHANGE that takes place inside of us.

I love:  LOVE, LIBERATE, LEAD, & LAUNCH.  But how can we really LOVE people in our church...if we don't even KNOW them?  REALLY KNOW them?  When is the last time someone from your church was in your home....or you in theirs? Real relationships take place OUTSIDE of the foyer, and INSIDE of your life.

This is Discipling

Monday, August 29, 2011


We have now been fingerprinted, FBI background checked, State Department sealed, new birth certificates issued, Secretary of state seal applied to them, Physicals from doctors with letters of health, not to mention all of the "other" "little" paperwork that we needed....it has taken 3 weeks longer than anticipated.  And now all of that is being translated.  Only then we will be able to meet with the Consulate for our Resident Visas.  Whew! But we are getting closer! Woo hoo!

What our team is doing today in Spain: First day of production of Open the Bible: The Four Gospels in A*abic. Working in studio in 3 languages, Spanish, A*abic and English. 

Can't wait to get there!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Discipling our Children

Walter A. Henrichsen writes, “Discipling must begin with our children if it is ever to affect the rest of our culture. Before we go looking for people to disciple, we should start with our own families. For a few short years, God has entrusted our children to our care. Whether for good or bad, we will mark them for eternity.”

I want to do more than teach my children Bible Stories and bedtime prayers.  I am looking for tools to help me.  I found this blog this week that I am making sure to bookmark and keep up with.


It is all about DISCIPLING kids.  Love it.  I have ordered their curriculum before when I was teaching in Children's Ministry - but now I am exploring how I might order their materials to use in personal devotions with our kids.  So much of what I find in the bookstores is not comprehensive, doesn't focus on application, or is over their heads.  I will be sure and post what I find out on my blog for any who are interested!


There is a timing for all things in our lives, and there is safety in being in God's timing. Eccl 8:6 ....to every purpose there is a time... trusting God with this stage of our journey.  

Navigating the consulates and Visa process is proving to be quite a task!  Yet do we trust Him!

Friday, August 5, 2011

August Update and Prayer Needs

Having passed the finish line of raising our minimum monthly budget to leave for the field - we are FINALLY being able to "move on" to the final Resident Visa process and packing part of this journey!  From one stress to the next! Ha! The last month of itineration was excruciating enough!  We were right down to the deadline on having enough monthly pledges to receive clearance and move on to this next stage in the process!

Now we continue to weed through paperwork, government requirements, and Spain approval.  We HOPE that we will be able to make the trip to Chicago NEXT week to meet with the Consulate about our resident Visa being granted.  That's why it is so much harder.  We are not just tourists, but we are moving to Spain as "residents"....so many more requirements and hoops to jump through.

If it looks like we will be delayed in this process more than expected - we are set to go ahead and begin our language study here.  This way we can transition more smoothly into language school on the field.  There will be no wasted moment while we wait patiently for God's perfect timing for our departure!


1.  Please pray for us to have FAVOR at the Consulate.  These powers that be will be deciding how quickly they process our application without problems.

2.  Please pray that we have FAVOR at the Spain government offices where our application will be approved.  They are notorious about being SLOW in this process on the Spain side - but we know GOD can move things in creative ways!

3.  Please pray for our LANGUAGE study.  We will begin soon - and need God's supernatural help in grasping and remembering a new language!  Pray for us to become FLUENT!  In incredible time!  :)

4.  Please pray for us in the packing stage.  We have to figure out what we can/need to take overseas in order to set up our house there.  Nothing that we own that is electrical will work there.  All of that will need to be replaced after we get on the field.  Pray that we won't become stressed through the packing phase.

5.  We have decided to WAIT until we arrive in Spain to look for a house to live in.  Please pray that God will go before us and open up the right house at the exact right time for our arrival.  Having the right home in the right neighborhood is going to be so key in our "settledness" once we move overseas.  Will you please pray that God will bless us with exactly what we need?  That He will give us favor in EVERY aspect of finding a home?

6.  Macy has started 3rd grade!  Please pray that she will FLOURISH academically!  She has been in a new school every year since she started....and will only be here until we leave for Spain.  So she will change schools yet again! PLEASE pray that God will bless her mind to grasp concepts and excel in school. I have been worried about how she seems to have some "gaps" in her learning.

7.  Please pray for my EYES!  I continue to have extremely DRY eyes.  According to the eye doctor my tear glands are not working and producing the tears that I need to lubricate my eyes.  It has even caused re-occuring infection in the glands behind my eyes b/c of the dryness.   This problem is causing me much discomfort, pain, and frustration.  Pray that God will HEAL me and that my eyes will be PERFECTLY restored and healthy!  You never realize how much you use your eyes for EVERYTHING until it hurts to hold them open!

Thank you friends, family, prayer team!  YOU are making a difference by partnering to pray for us!  We thank God daily for the gift of YOU in our lives!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Paperwork update

Well, after much research and many calls between me, the FBI, and the Consulate...it has been determined that FBI background checks are NOT required for a 4 and 8 year old.  However, in our original packet of required documents - this was listed as MANDATORY for all family members....

We tallied it up - and we have spent 10 weeks.... 10 WEEKS.... battling the powers that be to get the girls fingerprinted and through the FBI screening process.  10 precious....wasted weeks....

We compared notes with another new missionary family to Spain - and they too have wasted much precious energy and time on this process with their 3 small children....

Thank you all who have prayed.  I firmly believe that having this struggle finally resolved was the result of your prayers.  Thank you!  We are so glad to no longer be battling it!

However, God knows.  And He is sovereign.  We wait for His timing and trust that every delay will get us to Spain at just the right moment He wants us there.  We don't always have to understand everything.  That's good to know.  :)