Friday, July 22, 2011

Urgent Prayer Need

We are STILL waiting for Macy and Mia's FBI background checks to come in.  We started this process early April...and 8 weeks AFTER we sent their fingerprints in - they sent us a letter that the original prints were not readable by the machine.  Argh!  You would think they could have let us know that sooner!

So we had their fingerprints re-done that day by a state trooper and sent them back to the FBI via Fed Ex.  And we have been WAITING!  You would think that since we have been in this process since April that they would EXPEDITE their second set of prints....right?

I called yesterday and spoke with someone at the FBI office - and she said that the second set of prints had to start all over in the process!  So 4-5 MORE weeks before they will be finished!  What?!  We MUST have these background checks BEFORE we can go to the Consulate for our Visas!

I called our State Senator's office yesterday to enlist their help!  They are going to bat for us to see if they can get anything to move more quickly.

Please pray!  GOD can move these papers quicker than any Senator, Government office, or anyone!

Believing God for miracles in paperwork!

China Family Reunion

For the first time since we all left China together four years ago - our China Family, the 9 families that traveled to China together to adopt our children - reunited!  Our group numbered 37 in all!  We were so blessed that WE got to be there!  We thought we would already be overseas....but we were still here!

Since we brought home the original 9; our families have added 2 more children from China, 1 from Korea, and 1 from Kahgastan. One family will be headed back to China to adopt a 9 year old girl this fall...and still another family is waiting for a referral to adopt again.

People tell us all the time how "lucky" our kids are to be adopted by families here in America.  But I would have to say that WE are the ones that are BLESSED to have these incredible children in our families.  Our families would be incomplete without them.  Oh how we love all of our children...whether biological or by adoption!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


We received "THE CALL" today!  We have been given OFFICIAL clearance from HQ to make preparations to LEAVE FOR THE FIELD! Woooooooo!  There are still a few "spoken" pledges where the pledge form has not arrived at HQ yet- but we are officially given clearance now!

There are so many people that are responsible for this miracle.  Many thanks to the friends, family, and pastors that became new support team members during these past 30 days.  It has been amazing.  Many moments we were just speechless....

We are still in the process of obtaining our residence Visas from the Spain Consulate- and are tied up right now with getting Macy  & Mia's background checks to come back from the FBI.  Please pray for this paperwork to proceed quickly and the roadblocks to be thrown aside!

Our expected departure date will depend much upon the timeframe it takes the Spain Consulate to issue our Visas.  Expected wait time could be 30-90 days!  Yikes!  We are hoping and praying that we can leave for the field within 7-8 weeks - putting us departing around late August.

We will keep this blog posted on our process - and how you can be praying for us.  We are anxious to get to work creating media to REACH people that need God's HOPE.
We will be traveling for the next several days in route to our "China Family" Reunion.  All 9 families that traveled and adopted together 4 years ago are re-uniting for the first time since we adopted our precious children from China.  Internet access and reception will be limited the next few days...but we will be sure and post a more comprehensive post next week about where we are at in the next step of this JOURNEY!!


I forgot that today was a Holiday!!!  But from the "spoken" commitments we have received the past couple of weeks - we look to have made 100% of our budget!  Hopefully tomorrow everyone will get their pledge forms into HQ and we will get an update by afternoon of where we "officially" are!  Thanks to all for praying and supporting!  Love!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I am taking a sabbatical from email, facebook, and my blog for the next 2 days!  HQ is closed anyway!  I will update on Monday!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Just Short

UPDATE:  We just received our update from HQ  - and we are officially at 98% of our pledge budget!  We ONLY need $160 more in monthly pledges to reach 100% and be given clearance to leave for the field!  PLEASE PLEASE continue to pray for us - that it will come in over the weekend!

Pledges Needed
Monthly Support

Scroll down to the post titled "9 Days until our Deadline" to see our list of current and pressing prayer needs!
If God has been tugging at your heart to join our support team - Here's how:

You can CALL Nancy Dickerson at AG World Missions at (417) 862-2781 M-F  between 9AM-4:30 PM, M-F and do it all by phone....

Or you can EMAIL Nancy Dickerson the pledge you would like to make at

Or you can click here to do it from our website:  
Support the McMath Family to Spain

Then click on the BLUE link that says: Click here to fill out a pledge form