Friday, May 24, 2013

One Year Ago Today - Life Spun Out of Control!

One year ago today... we went for a special ultrasound with a specialist in Madrid.  The day before we had a special test done at the OB's office that is typically not done in the states... "fetal monitoring"... where the doctor said "something" isn't right.

After our specialized ultrasound we had to wait 20 minutes for our doctor to call the office and translate the results to us since no one in the office spoke English.  He said, "Meet me at the hospital as soon as possible. We may have to take the baby"... in his broken English.  I was like.... "say what"...????  So I called my friend Gladys Rodriguez and had her call him to verify.... I was sure I had misunderstood.  I am always the optimist - and was sure that he meant let's just do another test...

But sure enough - he was NOT joking.  The cord was wrapped around his body and diminishing his oxygen.  Within minutes of arriving at the hospital and a flurry of tubes and needles, and monitors.... he said "we must go to surgery.... caesarean is necessary to save the baby's life..."

I was in SHOCK.  Say what?  Surely not.

Then they gave me a shot of some kind of adrenaline to make my heart race... "in order to get the baby's heart rate up".  From that point on things were CrAzY.  My heart was pounding... they were racing me to O.R.  Gladys and Gil walked in mere minutes before they rushed me off.  Macy and Mia were able to stay in the room with them.  I thank God for their quick desire to meet us at the hospital for support!  Because of them our girls were not traumatized!!

Brad was still checking me in...  In the OR they began to crazily open sterile instruments and throw them on the table while rapid fire speaking in Spanish... the anesthesiologist was pushing me over trying to get an epidural in all the while speaking to me in Spanish... (which I had no idea what he was saying :( ... and my heart was RACING)...

I kept asking the one nurse that knew a little English - "where is my husband?"  Brad eventually was brought back after they found him at the check in desk.

They immediately started the c-section - and it was.... violent... if that could be used to describe it...  NOT at all like those pretty little calm ones you see on the discovery channel.  Brad said he thought they were going to thrash me off the table in the process of getting him out.  It was CrAzY.  I was crying.  Brad was praying in the Spirit.  That gave me peace in the midst of the storm. I was still in shock.

Micah came and then was whisked away.  Immediately to NICU.  Ventilators and tubes.  His lungs were not ready and he was in distress.

It would be 24 hours before we could see him, and several days before we could touch him. Only one nurse in the NICU spoke English - and she was only there for a few hours a day.

3 days later, on May 27, starting at 9 AM (Arkansas time) (4 PM Spain time) - Micah was able to go without his ventilator and oxygen....
It stayed off all day!  And wow at the progress!  We got to see his face for the first time without the tubes!  The pediatrician was in shock at this progress! We told her that we had hundreds of people and churches praying this day - it was a Sunday - and she said "'s working."  Which is shocking to hear from a Spaniard - in a nation where God mostly represents only their religious roots or many do not believe in God at all.

Six days later they told me I could finally hold him.  I cried in disbelief.  It had felt like an eternity!  I realize we are blessed b/c many people have to wait much longer before holding their NICU babies...and many others have lost their children.    

The doctor later told us that if he had not taken him that day - Micah would have died in utero within a few days.  We realize we hold a miracle today.  Happy 1st birthday to the happiest, healthiest baby boy I know!  You are a miracle.  Being born in Spain may have saved your life.

And here is my little birthday stinker.  Precious.

And it started quite the journey for ME.  After enduring crazy things with my body and mind, being diagnosed with PTSD, and returning to the states, I have made great strides in recovery - but am still not 100%.  But I thank God for progress. For what He is doing IN me, both body and spirit.

One thing God has given me through all of this is a new lens through which to look at life with.  I understand pain more than ever before.  And every time I turn around - I am meeting people going through trials and pain.  And they see in my eyes that I get it.  I really get it.  I understand.  I don't just pat them on the back and give them cliche answers.  I hurt with them.  I don't understand with them.  I am walking the path of CHOOSING to trust God as I walk this journey.  And what beautiful opportunities he has given me to share that faith... the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.  And to share the hope of his redeeming this mess.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Long Overdue for an Update!

Well, I am LONG overdue for posting!  It's been busy... here are the highlights:

1.  Brad and I just celebrated our 17th anniversary!  I love him more now than ever.  He showed me strength I never even knew he had as he carried our family during the trials we faced this last year.  Love this man!

We started out the morning with CHOCOLATE GRAVY!  To which all southerners say - Woooo hoo!  And all others say... "say what?!?!"  :)

2.  Brad had the honor of baptizing Macy this past week at James River Assembly here in Springfield.  Even though we have prayed MANY times over the years for Jesus to come into her heart.... etc...  She recently went forward during a children's service... and walked across that invisible line of making her faith her own... not prompted by mom and dad.  She was so excited about being baptized as the next step!

Mia asked her right after being baptized, "Was it fun, Macy?" To which Macy replied, "No, it was not fun Mia... this is SERIOUS business!"  Too cute!

3.  My health = A Pie Chart  :)  The part of the pie where I feel healthy is growing slowly.  I would like for it to be 100%, but so far that is not the story.  However, I am learning to lean into God during this time, and to rest in Him, wait patiently for what He is teaching me, (not so good at that one), and to try and figure out WHO He desires me to be.  What should my priorities be in life and in ministry?  Where should I pour my time?  Because I tend to be passionate about EVERYTHING and think that all things deserve 100% of me.  However, that is such a reflection of how I have lived my life at an unattainable pace for YEARS now.  And it's not healthy.  So I need help in discerning God's clear voice in my life. When to say yes, when to say no.  And to feel good about it.

4.  Brad has an INCREDIBLE opportunity coming up to join a small team of missionaries in the Netherlands for a few days while they brainstorm the best way to utilize media in the coming years for the advancement of the good news of Jesus and His love!  Please be praying for them to have the wisdom and direction of God in their decisions!  #for such a time as this

The MESSAGE we share of Knowing God never changes... But the methods sure do! #mediaministry #mediathattransforms

5. Macy and Mia have done so well in school this year.  They basically both had to do 3 semesters in this one year just to catch up on the curriculum gaps (once again).  The GREAT news is that they both LOVE school and have grown in their self-esteem this year.  Beautiful smiles on beautiful girls! God has brought them on our amazing family journey - and I know He has plans for good in it all!

Mia was able to participate in the patriotic 1st grade program this year at school.  Boy that girl sang at the top of her lungs around the house for weeks!  "Grand 'ol Flag", "Star Spangled Banner", "Yankee Doodle", etc.  :)  She is now more proud than ever to be an American!

6.  Micah continues to GROW and prosper!  He is a BIG, happy, healthy baby!  Thank you Jesus!  From that scary start in the NICU in Madrid - to what we have before us today - what a beautiful miracle!  He is precious! I thank God for His grace.

7.  We have also had the opportunity to invest some time in a few college students here in Springfield.  We recently hosted a get together and had students over from James River Leadership College, Central Bible College, and Evangel University.  #futureworldchangers