Friday, March 30, 2012


1.  Our container was accepted and passed through customs with no taxes or duty charged!

2.  However, it has been delayed - and THEN all of Spain was on STRIKE yesterday- so we will not receive our stuff until Tuesday of next week (April 3).  So we have not moved into our house yet.....but we are soooooo ready!

3.  Pregnancy sickness has returned for me.  I have been so so sick.

4.  After a meeting with our director yesterday, the decision was made for me to withdraw from language school and focus on surviving the last 10 weeks of pregnancy.  Brad will continue alone.  The classes run until June 1.  Pray for him to be supernaturally anointed to learn and understand.  There are no other native English speakers in his class.  Just 2 Russians and 2 Asians.  So he will have no one to hash out the lessons with...but with GOD he can do it!  :)  Pray, pray, pray!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Update & Prayer Needs

So - the updates are:

We have finally found and rented a house!  Our belongings will arrive via ship this coming Wednesday, March 21st!  Then it is expected to take 1-3 days for our container to be approved through customs and then delivered to our house!  PLEASE PRAY THAT CUSTOMS WILL ACCEPT IT WITH NO PROBLEMS OR DELAYS!!!!!!

So - we HOPE that our container will be delivered this coming Friday or Saturday March 23-24....that would give us the weekend to unpack....we start language school Tuesday the 20th - so we will be very busy during the week now!

My birthday is Sunday, March 25, and Brad asked me what I would like to do for it.  I exclaimed, "All I want to do is to move into my own house and have my own stuff!  It's going to be like CHRISTMAS next weekend!"  :)

We have finally started paperwork to buy our Speed the Light vehicle....and hopefully will have our own car within the next 2 weeks.  We have been blessed thus far to be able to borrow the vehicles of missionaries that are in the states itinerating right now.

OFFICIAL  language school starts for us this Tuesday, March 20th!  We are excited to start getting some language under our belts - but don't know what to really expect....  and of course we are going to be MOVING into our house at the SAME time!  Whew!


First of all we are PRAISING GOD for his ANSWERS to prayers!  Thank you for praying with us to find the right house!  We really feel so encouraged that we have found a house that we feel is a good fit for us.  We asked the landlord to come down on the rent - and they said that they would be HAPPY to come down to our asking price because they would be happy to have US as their tenants!  Wow!  Thank you God for your favor in this!  The family that owns the house has 2 boys - and they are BOTH adopted internationally!  So we have a common bond there!  So our house is great for us and within our rental limit!  Woooooo!  Thank you Jesus!

Thank you for praying for us to find the right vehicle!  After much research and visiting car dealerships - we feel like we have found the right one for us - and it also is within the range of what we have to spend!  Thank you Jesus!

1.   Now, PLEASE KEEP praying!  :)   First of all, pray for my (Glenda) health!  The diagnosis of being anemic and having gestational diabetes is not the end of the world - but it does bring more complications to my health that I am having to deal with during a very stressful time in our lives.  Pray that God will strengthen my body supernaturally, keep the sugar level in my body very low so that I and the baby can remain healthy, and that God will allow me HEALTH so that I can benefit from the next 10 weeks of language school!  The baby is due June 24th - but our doctor seems pretty confident that he will come early since Macy was born 3 weeks early.  Honestly, I will probably be happy for him to come early - b/c that means my body can begin to gain strength.... however I really want to be able to finish this semester of school feeling strong and well!

2.  Pray that God will make our minds like sponges to soak up every scrap of language that we can during these next couple of months of school!  Pray that we will have strength and stamina!  Pray that we will be able to do supernaturally more than we expect (remember we also have 2 children to care for every day too!).  Pray that we will be able to grasp the GRAMMAR, the HEARING, and the SPEAKING!

3.  We are beginning NOW to pray that the baby will be born HEALTHY and HAPPY.  This is big.  We are praying that he will not have any sickness, any colic, any troubles.  For him to be a HAPPY, HEALTHY baby will be a HUGE blessing to us!

4.  Continue to pray for Macy's schooling.  We are already seeing a HUGE improvement in her self-esteem academically.  This has been our first focus....that she be emotionally healthy and positive regarding school.  For the FIRST time EVER - she has been coming home and getting out her homework on her own and doing it HAPPILY! This has NEVER happened!  She has always come home and hated it - and never known how to do it.  We are so THANKFUL for an incredible teacher and school that has a HEART for missionary kids...and that they understand the complexities of what happens when kids switch school and curriculums numerous times.  They are working extra with her to help her catch up.  HOWEVER, there are still math concepts that she is still quite behind in - and has a big gap to cover to catch up with where the class is.  PLEASE PRAY.  We know God can do something miraculous and beautiful here.

5.  Please pray for our ministry team.  At IMM we have developed a partnership this year with one of our Arabi* ministries.  Pray that we will be able to develop, create, and deliver quality outreach pieces for reaching the Musli* people.  Pray that we can deliver with QUALITY and in a TIMELY manner.  Most people have no idea the magnitude of work that goes into creating media.  Most movies/films have HUNDREDS of people on their film/editing staff....and we only have a handful of missionaries here at IMM.  Our work is cut out for us.  We NEED the anointing and blessing of God to pull off the mission He has called us to!


There have been several people that have emailed us during these first few weeks in Spain with a word of encouragement, a prayer, or a reminder of their love and support for us. never know JUST HOW powerful that can be.

Two people that are continually keeping up with our family and sharing prayers and encouragement are Sue Angel from Cabot & Rendy Ayers from Horatio.  I can not even tell you how many times their comments or prayer emails have lifted my spirit after I do a blog update!!

After emailing my parents last week with what a discouraging week I was having, last Sunday night my dad shared with his church, West Memphis 1st AG about our challenges.  Here are 2 emails I received early Monday that BOOSTED my Spirit in a miraculous way:

Praying for you EVERY DAY! I'm sure the adjustment has been rough, especially with the pregnancy, but God sent you and He will see you through.  Try to think back to those days when you sat on the rock outside your home in Huntsville and how you cried out to God for Him to use you mightily. You were willing to do anything He asked you to do. You and God (that is all you really need); His peace will allow you to handle anything else that comes your way!  Please take one hour at a time and only concentrate on the next task at hand!

Take care of your body and that precious baby boy because that is your "stage" right now.  Everything else will fall in line in God's good time.
Please know you have many friends praying for you so try to rest as much as possible and enjoy this season of your life.
Love ya,
Susan Madison

Pastor mentioned you in his sermon tonight and asked everyone to pray for you because you had been

diagnosed as anemic.  So, I thought I'd drop you a line and let you know that I pray for the McMaths
every day!!!  I ask God to encourage and strengthen your spirits - to not let you become depressed.
I also pray that God would envelop Macy and Mia with His love and grant that this time in their lives will be positive and memorable.  I also pray that God would give all of you a miracle in learning the Spanish language - on and on.
I love you guys, and I will continue to pray this way and especially for your health.  I pray for a normal safe pregnancy and a normal healthy baby!!!  God knew, before you ever
got to Spain, that you were going to be going through this time with your health, and He is the Great
Physician who can take care of you and your family. He is a good and merciful God.  Remember Philippians 4:6,7 - "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (NKJV)
Love you,

LaVaye Harness

Talk about TIMELY ENCOURAGEMENT!  The only PROBLEM is - that of course these words of encouragement set me to CRYING agin!  :)   Hahhhaaa!


I got an email from my friend and Pastor's wife at Monticello, Jackie Underhill:

Glenda.....I have a story to share with you!   God loves you SO much!!

This morning early I got a text from a lady in my church.  She wanted to know if I was awake....she had something to share.  So she called...she said that God woke her at 1 AM and she was speaking the name....McMath....and praying protection and guidance.....over and over... 

She was like...WHAT?  She had to wake up good and think about the name.  Then she remembered they were missionaries to Spain.  So the rest of the night she kept and guidance for them.  She even told her husband before he left for work to please pray with her for this family.  She asked me....does this mean anything to you?  I said....oh yes it does!!!   I shared this with your Mom and she encouraged me to send it to you! Know that God loves you and knows right where you are!  

I love you and I am praying for you and your family!!!


I so appreciate EVERYONE'S prayers.  But somehow knowing that GOD woke someone up who knew NOTHING of what we were going through.....was a comfort that is indescribable.  It was like God was saying, "I haven't forgotten you.  I care about the season you are going through.  I am going to see you through....this is part of your transition....and I am WITH you."

March Update/ 7 weeks in / Complete Transparency


I know I went from a daily post about new lessons we were complete silence on the blog.

Sorry!  My health took  a nose dive there for a few weeks - and culture shock set in....

Let's just say I didn't have the energy or stamina or brain cells to write anything.....

...and I was feeling so overwhelmed I didn't know how to express anything with my words!

Let's just say it was a tough few weeks for us..... in an attempt to be transparent and open with all of our friends and supporters -here is an inside look:

Brad went through a really overwhelming few days about 3 weeks into this.....

I know they say it is "expected", and "culture shock", and "normal"......

But it was really starting to get to him.....the traffic and driving are different here, we don't speak the language so it is hard to do anything, and FOOD not being good is REALLY hard.  You can't just run out to one of your normal restaurant choices or drive thrus....and there is only so much Burger King you can take.  And trying to buy groceries and MAKE food that taste good is challenging too.....finding similar ingredients, translating it all, can finally just get overwhelming.  PLUS he is trying so hard to continue watching his weight - but when all your choices are BAD - you feel trapped.

THEN - me - the strong tower - well let's just say I broke!

I went through a couple of days where I just felt depressed.  I was really sick for a couple of days.  It was overwhelming physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I wanted the comfort of just go to the store - buy the food I wanted to have (this is REALLY a BIG deal- you miss being able to eat stuff that taste good and is easily accessible) - I wanted my mom...... I wanted someone to comfort me, to help me, to listen to my woes, and encourage me. But I didn't have the physical stamina to even call or email anyone.  I felt like a big uuuuuggggghhhhhhhhhhh......

THEN - we went to church Sunday. I knew I was in a bad place.  I desperately needed some time to connect with God in worship.  Even though I don't know what they are singing - I can still find a way to connect with God during worship.  HOWEVER - it didn't happen.....  both girls were whining and clinging to me the whole worship time....saying they were hungry and that "everything is in Spanish"....

b/c of my own spiritual needs I was REALLY put out.  Then I felt guilty for not putting them and their needs first.  Macy started crying halfway into worship....I think she was just overwhelmed ( the only time we have gone places where EVERYTHING and EVERYONE around us is Spanish is church......) - and I was like - GOD - I don't need this right now.  It's more than I can handle.....

BTW - church STARTS at 11AM here and goes until 1:30.  NOT GOOD for a pregnant, low blood sugar mommy and 2 kiddos.  So I gave the girls crackers to eat during worship and then ate some myself during church so that I wouldn't get sick.  The kids leave after worship to go to "sunday school" - and Macy was clinging to me for dear life.  She did stay in class (there is another missionary kid that goes there and he knows a little spanish so she sat with him)....but just seeing her sit there so unsure of herself while everyone was rapid fire speaking Spanish around her....knowing she felt lost.....

I went to the bathroom and LOST IT.  Not only was "I" feeling overwhelmed...but now I am struggling with making sure I have the proper balance with pushing my child into this culture shock experience....  "Kids are resilient....she'll be ok." .... or "am I going to scar my child?" was the battle I was facing......  and then knowing I was being really selfish by just wanting some time to reconnect with God and get a dose of peace this day without having the added stress of the kids.....

WHEW......boy am I being transparent - but I feel if I don't share this - people won't get a true look at what a new missionary goes through during their first few weeks on the field....

Things have REALLY gotten to me.  This is so out of character for me!  I am usually little Ms. Optimistic!   I feel like a bad missionary because I am even complaining!  (but again everyone keeps telling us that these feelings are NORMAL during your first few weeks....everything in your life is so out of control that even the little things overwhelm you).  I keep reminding myself that at least God did not call us to the jungle where we are sleeping in tents with mosquito nets every night, using a latrine to go to the bathroom, and cooking our meals over a fire!

THEN - we hit a brick wall with the tutoring we were receiving.  We contracted with a lady to do 4 weeks of tutoring in Spanish before we start language school.  The lady does NOT speak any English......and even though she is as sweet as can be - we were so frustrated!  She goes on and on trying to explain things to us... in SPANISH mind you..... but there is a problem....we DON'T know spanish.  So her 10 min raves about why you use a certain word - do not help us ANY!

The first week was ok.  We learned our ABC's and vowels....and I guess we have learned a few things since then and made several observations.....  We are hopeful that our semester in language school will be a much more engaging experience!!  That starts next week!

THEN I went to my doctor last week.  He informed me that I failed the glucose test and have gestational diabetes.  He also informed me that I am already anemic.  Maybe that explains why I have days where I can hardly function....

But to be honest - maybe just b/c I was at such a low spot - I was DEVASTATED.  I have been so hopeful that maybe the rest of this pregnancy would be better than with Macy. It was very discouraging.  We have SO MUCH ON US right now.  I know I should not be this way - but I was like..... "God, can I just get a little break here?"  :)

So I made it until we got home and then I lost it and had a big boo hoo session with God while I took a hot shower.  I have been wanting to be STRONG right now for my husband and kids..... but felt very WEAK!

I know I usually just share the funny and interesting updates.  But this was reality for a few weeks.  And I feel sometimes that people put pastors and missionaries on a pedestal and think they are perfect or never have troubles.  I think it is so important that people realize that missionaries are REAL people just like everyone else.....and that we struggle with being overwhelmed, discouraged, and even depressed sometimes!  We are not super Christians...the only thing that might make us unique is our quest and determination to follow God in what/where He is CALLING us to - even if that means going across the sea!

Now, I will follow this TRANSPARENT/REALITY post up with the beautiful stories of God's encouragement to us during this time and with an update of HOW you can be praying for us as we continue this journey to fulfill God's plan for the McMath family!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Incredible story

I received this email today from our World Missions Director (it's an excerpt from the email AG News) powerful..... I love hearing the stories of how God is making himself known.
I believe we are called to missions for 'such a time as this'....
We are believing God is going to take the media pieces that we create and use them to reach people who have never heard about a relationship with Jesus.


Greg Mundis, the executive director of AG World Missions, recently
shared a testimony given to him by an Assemblies of God missionary
working in a highly sensitive country.

"I want to share this amazing testimony," Mundis said, "however, due
to the missionary's location, I can't give a name, location or some
of the details in order to protect the missionary and the people
this missionary is working with."

The missionary's report to Mundis explained how a local woman was
hospitalized, and due to her condition, she died. "Her husband,
having been informed of her death, had gone out to ask neighbors for
money to help with funeral expenses," the missionary said, "but when
he got back to the hospital, his wife was up, dressed and placing
her things in her bag."

The husband and physicians were dumbfounded, but finally managed to
ask her what happened.

"She told them that 'the doctor with the long hair and white robe
came in and said I was well and could go home,'" the missionary

There was only one problem with her explanation — there wasn't any
doctor fitting that description working at the hospital.

The woman didn’t know anything about Jesus, the missionary said, but
when she saw an icon with a picture of Jesus on it, she pointed and
said, “That is the doctor who came in and said I was well and could
go home.”

"Apparently Jesus made His presence appear like the picture on the
icon so she’d understand what had just happened to her," Mundis

Having removed her own tracheal tube, feeding tube and arm injection
tubes after Jesus talked to her, the woman was obeying her new
doctor's instructions and heading home. The missionary shares that
the woman still had a drain tube in her abdomen, but pulled that out
when she got home and had a neighbor sew up the wound. "She told the
neighbor she wasn't going back to the hospital where she died and to
'sew her up' here."

"As amazing as that story is, it gets even better," Mundis said.
"The woman talked to Jesus after He healed her and said, 'You healed
me. Will You heal my paralyzed boy too?'"

The missionary reports that night, the woman's husband heard someone
walking in the house. He got up, and there was their five-year-old
son — who had never walked previously but dragged himself around on
his hands with absolutely no feeling in his legs — up and walking
around the house!"

"God is making Himself known throughout the world," Mundis states.
"Christ appearing to individuals to those who have never heard of
Him, in dreams or in the form of a person, as well God doing the
miraculous, are testimonies being reported over and over again. I
believe God is preparing the world for something beyond our greatest