Saturday, June 6, 2009

Memorial Day with the Humphries

It was strange to have Memorial Day without an invite to the famous Willhite weekend celebration! However, our former neighbors from Capitol Hill had us out to their 40 acre home in West Virginia. They actually own a home in Capitol Hill for the week - and then go home to WV on the weekends! WV is beautiful...and it strangely felt like the Ozarks and NorthWest Arkansas! They commute from here in the summer....a 2 hour drive one way! Craziness!

Imani - the teenager!

Niya and Maggie

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tea Party

After school one day we had a tea party under the Kitchen Table! I don't fit as good as the girls do! I felt like the hunchback afterwards!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Kylee spent a day with us while her mom and dad went to the USCIS to be fingerprinted for their next adoption (Korea!!!). Mia and Kylee were so cute dressed up as princesses! Sweet!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gotcha Day Reunion

May 9 we celebrated 2 years since Mia was put into our arms for the 1st time. We were able to go the reunion this year....4 families from our travel group got together for a weekend. We were not able to attend last year - so this was really special for us!

These 4 girls were all born in the same city within one week of each other...and spent the first 8 months of their lives in the same row of cribs in Yangxi China. (There are 3 other girls from this Yangxi group that were not able to make the trip).

Monday, June 1, 2009

Washington Memorial

Macy had a day off from school recently and we made a day of it at the Washington Memorial. These are 3 of my fav pics.