Friday, October 12, 2012

Daring to Believe there's a Message in the Mess!

"Following God's plans can be extremely challenging sometimes. Gut-wrenching and intense.  Perhaps you've never faced anything this daunting before, a situation that asks so much of you or hurts in such deep places.  But with the Red Sea in front of you and Pharoah's armies barreling down close behind, you get to find out what the Lord can really do.  He's put you in a tough spot so you'll get to see just how incredibly strong and sufficient your God is.

And others will see it too.  Your life is God's story being told and His character being displayed.  So how does it read?  What does it tell others about the God you serve?  WILL YOU DARE TO BELIEVE THERE'S A MESSAGE IN THIS MESS?  It's quite possibly the best story some people will ever read." -Priscilla Shirer in "Life Interrupted"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life Interrupted

‎"My friend, this is not an interruption {in your life}. It's a divine intervention. It's the privilege of walking in fellowship with One who will take you to a hopeless place so you can see the hope of God in it's rawest, most redemptive form. 

He'll take you to an ungodly place so you can see the Holy Spirit rising up within you, transforming an impossible situation while transforming lives in the process. 

We don't want to go to "Nineveh". Nobody does. But by running and hiding, we miss being part of what God is doing in our day and age. Like Jonah almost did..." -Priscilla Shirer in "Life Interrupted"

Boy this has spoken volumes to my life!  We are still in the middle of major transition....

The past 3 weeks since my last post have seemed like 3 MONTHS!


Hope to get a chance to do an update very soon!  Until then - thank you to all who have prayed and prayed and prayed for us.  We see God's hand in the midst of our chaos!