Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Holding time

I got to hold Micah for the first time yesterday.... I cried! Sweetness!
Brad got to hold him today!
He is making great progress! He is totally off of oxygen now!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's Sunday - and our churches are PRAYING!

Wow at the HUGE progress Micah is making today!!!!!

Starting at 9 AM (Arkansas time) (4 PM Spain time) - Micah was able to go without his ventilator....
It's been off all day!  And wow at the progress!  We got to see his face for the first time without the tubes!

Just got this message: (from Jamie Stein)
Just wanted to let you know that Hyland Park prayed for you guys this morning! Pastor Brad asked Brandon and I to stand in for you guys (what an HONOR that was for us!) and everyone prayed around us for Micah and the rest of you! We hope he continues to get stronger and that you guys get to hold that sweet boy soon! My heart aches for you! Praying hard! We love you guys!

This message about sent me over the edge in tears!  We are so grateful for all the love and support from afar!

We can tell it is SUNDAY!  And our churches are getting the word out and people are PRAYING!!!!!!  Thank you sooooo much! Keep it up!  Please!  Pray for complete and total healing and that we can go HOME!!!!

Let us know if you and your church are praying too!!!  It's so encouraging!

We have seen his face!!!!!

Mask off for several hours tonight! And took some milk from a bottle! First time we have seen his face! So sweet! He doesnt look so chubby when his face isnt squeezed by all those tubes!!
Still cant hold him. 😒

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pics of Micah

We still have not been able to hold Micah... The pictures make him look HUGE....
and...well...he DOES weigh 6.2 lbs!  BUT - pictures have a way of making you look bigger - you know?!  :)

His face is all squished under the tubes - so we haven't even gotten a good look at him yet....  
Our last report from the NICU unit is that he has some fluid in his lungs, they are keeping a pressurized ventilator on him to help push that out; they are watching to be sure he doesn't develop an infection in his lungs; and his BIGGEST problem is that his lungs are premature and not developed fully yet.

We still do not know when we will get to hold him, or when we can take him home.
So please pray that those lungs will miraculously mature, that they will be amazed at his progress, and that we can go HOME!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Baby Micah makes his surprise entrance!

Our baby boy, Micah Bradley was born yesterday by emergency c-section. It was a shock to us, but saved his life... The umbilical cord was wrapped around his body, being compressed... And he wasn't getting enough oxygen... He weighed 2820 grams- which I think is like 6.2 lbs... Our wifi is sketchy at best- and I did not bring my laptop! I will post more as soon as I can. PLEASE pray with us that his lungs will develop quickly and perfectly. He is in NICU on a ventilator because his respiratory system is not 100%.... we have not gotten to hold him yet! ;(