Wednesday, February 6, 2013

CSI West Memphis

Just a little video from our archives I ran across this morning....
This is the intro to a video Brad did for West Memphis for a study on the Holy Spirit....
I clipped it to just the intro for the blog.... I just like the theme/effects!  :)

Prayer Update

How can you continue to pray for us?

1.  Pray that God will make me WHOLE.  I have come a LONG way with the healing of my nervous system - but without medication I am not well.  Pray for that complete healing to come.  GREAT NEWS IS: I have turned a corner since New Year's Eve and have made HUGE steps to recovery!

2.  Ironically, God HAS used this time of illness to work in me (Glenda). Pray that he will be able to complete this inner work on my heart.  Lots to share in future posts about insights He's given me to myself and to His Word.  I didn't realize how broken I was not just in body....but in Spirit too.

3.  Pray for Brad as he's been working on testimonies for different evangelism websites with our media team.  He is having to learn a whole new editing software program with them.  Pray that God gives him supernatural wisdom and anointing to fly with it.  :)

4.  Pray for Brad to have favor with all people he comes into contact with.  Pray that we can be a voice to our missions organization as a whole as to how we can take media and excellence to a whole new level.

5.  Pray for our children.  Pray for Macy and Mia to flourish in school and catch up on all the curriculum gaps that have surfaced b/c of the many moves. Pray that God will bring GODLY friends into their lives.  Pray that they, along with Micah, will be world changers and passionate for God from an early age.

6.  Pray for your pastors.  No one realizes the weight, the burden, and the discouragement that faces our pastors.  Pray that you won't be a reason for their burden either!  :)

Dreaming Again

The realization struck us about 2 weeks ago... that we left everything we knew on January 24, 2012 - boarded a plane for a new life in Spain... and mass chaos descended...


Would we still have gone had we known all we would face?  If we had known the difficulties that lay ahead?  Had we known that things would not turn out like we had "dreamed"?

I am not sure that we would have gone if we had known the path before us.

However, yet do we trust that our lives and our days are in the hands of our maker.  And it is HE that directs our steps... and it is HE that ordains each day of our lives and our paths for us.  I can say that now...

...but a few months ago when I was scared, sick, overwhelmed, lost, angry, and desperate - I just kept asking God, "WHY????"

I do "know" that God DOES work ALL things together for his good.  That there is a plan in the mess.  There is a purpose.

And we are beginning to see more and more light shining on our path.

Brad received an invitation this week to be a part of a small team that redefines the way we use media within a certain missions group.  Had we not walked THIS journey, the journey of our entire ministry,  and arrived PRECISELY at this place and this moment - would he have the opportunity to be a part of something of this magnitude?  Not sure.  But I believe GREAT things are coming.

I posted this to twitter and Facebook today:
I dream of using media to accelerate the powerful truth of how we can have a real relationship with Jesus... to people who have not heard of His awesome love #mediathattransformsKnowing God has CHANGED my life! So thankful God rescued me from the world and then He rescued me from MYSELF! Ugh! And Yay God!

DREAMING that God is about to blow up some barriers to reaching the unreached through media - and so humbled that we get to be a part of it!