Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April Update

Had a whirlwind trip....drove through the whole state of Virginia, the whole state of Tennessee, and the whole state of Arkansas. About 18 hours "drive time" from DC to Bentonville. But overall, it really wasn't bad! Nice scenery (except for the strip of road between Memphis and Little Rock...uhggg).

We have been extremely busy since we returned home - and I haven't had a chance to update for April....and here it is almost May! :)

Our trip to Arkansas and Missouri this last month was not planned until the last minute....and was mostly business. We had several eventful meetings in Springfield...which I will blog about later this week (hopefully) :D

We were also able to speak in several churches while traveling....which was WONDERFUL!

We did not get to see many friends on our trip, however. Hopefully "next time" will not be so crazy and we will have more "down" time to relax and visit.

Thank you to all who are praying for us. It has made SUCH a difference as we have experienced difficulties these past months. However, God has given us direction - exciting stuff!!! And now we understand more clearly the trials we faced this year. Boot camp. Enough said. :)