Monday, May 18, 2009

May Update

Whew! May 18! Where does the time go?

I posted a few details last month about our trip across the country, speaking in churches, meetings in Springfield...

So the scoop is....

We are officially pursuing becoming Full Time Appointed Missionaries with the Assemblies of God!

And we are excited!

That in and of itself is a miracle. You are talking to the girl who once said, "Lord, please do not call me to the mission field". And I am married to the guy who used to say, "I don't want to be a missionary. I don't want to have to depend on others to sustain our family financially."

Wow what God can do when he takes you to Washington DC for a year - and through a valley of "preparation". He has been working on us all year - teaching us how to REALLY trust Him.

I will try... :) to post more details this week. For now - just be praying for us...that God will direct every step of this He has already been doing in our lives this whole year.

Much love.

April in Pictures

Macy and her new best bud. Sam Godzwa. Both of our families have been in the same small group this last semester. Funny thing is - me and his mom graduated from CBC the SAME year and didn't even really know each other! His parents are Chi Alpha Missionaries. So the PK and the MK are great friends!

This is all of the kids from our small group Bible Study! How awesome to be a part of a group this is KID FRIENDLY! Woo! And kudos to the babysitters Rachel and Henry that came every week so that us parents could connect!

Our small group ended the semester with an Easter party for the kids! Macy was SPRINTING around to fill up her basket! So funny!

Mia and Kylee on Easter Sunday!