Friday, December 13, 2013

People We Are Reaching

In these last days God is using and REDEEMING technology…. to take the message of HOPE and the TRUTH about Jesus across the world faster than ever before.  We are so  humbled that God allows us to serve him with this missions team.

This is just a few of the emails we received in our office last week that funneled through our outreach websites:  THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!  (Remember that English is a 2nd language to most of these cultures….so many people write us with broken English or we have to translate it.)

Needs from inquirers around the world:

    I'm not that much into bible,so I don't have much information about Jesus and Gods. How will can I put my faith,trust and hope into Jesus and Gods while I'm struggling to gain a better life even if I pray my answers doesn't answerd? How to get a better way to overcome my struggles and become a good person?
    Life is a journey.As i walk day in and out, i made mistakes and i commit sins.Iam burden and guilty often times.It is my wish to make heaven but my guilt.Pls how can i live a sin free life.I need your help. Thanks
    i love jesus i now him but still i am not on good path have problem in my spiritual life
    I would appreciate your prayers for my mother and myself for our total healing and deliverance. We are both in dire need of God's healing power in our bodies and our lives. We both have terminal illnesses. Thank you and God bless!
    I am 35 years old and I have no one asking for my hand for marriage . I need prayer so that by early next year . God will see me through
    Please I need an urgent help, please pray for me am afraid to be imprisoned because of my debts plus my job is sinking I need your urgent help. God bless!
    I don't no how much longer I can stand the confusion loneliness lack of esentials in my life. Pls pray with me. As my life is fading away. There is only chaos misery I tHink I have thrown. In the towel. I pray God bless you thank you very much

Needs at Network211

  • Pray for the enlarging of Project10Million to Project100Million
  • Please pray the Lord will provide a heavenly "firewall" which will protect Network211's evangelism sites from malicious computer hackers.
  • Pray for Network211's "Connectors" that interact with people from all over the world. Pray that God will give them wisdom and insight as they often address difficult questions and issues from multiple cultures.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

WHY should we honor our Pastors?

Something that is so close to my heart is Pastors and their families.  Having been a pastor's daughter and a pastor's wife.... I understand the inside world of the pressures that pastors face daily.
The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.  1 Timothy 5:17
 Some people ask the questions, "WHY should we honor our Pastors?  We pay them to do their job... how are their needs or circumstances any different from mine?"  

That may seem shocking to you - but in reality there are many people out there who really still do not understand the pressures that Pastors face.  IT IS A JOB LIKE NO OTHER.

*  Do you have any idea what it is like to have someone "mad" at you every other week because something at the church isn't how they like it?
*   Do you have any idea what it is like to have people that you love warring against one another and you about how the music is "terrible" (every church seems to have this battle!)
*  Do you carry the WEIGHT of counseling and praying with people you love whose lives are falling apart, marriages are disintegrating, are having to file bankruptcy, are battling addictions and the pull of falling away from God?
*  Do you have to figure out how to make sure there is enough tithes and offering to pay the building payment, the utility bills, the salaries, to support missions, and all of the other MANY things the church does?  Do you have the heaviness of knowing that if everyone would just do their part and tithe - that the church would be able to be all that God wants it to be in the community?
*  Do you have any idea how PERSONAL the job of being a Pastor is?  That every person who leaves the church or who doesn't like something can attack you PERSONALLY?  
*  Do you know what it is like to POUR yourself into people and them still walk away from church over the smallest things?
*  Do you know what it is like to live in a fish bowl?  Where everyone watches everything you do and feels they have the right to criticize you or have unrealistic expectations?
* Do you know what it is like to pour every drop of your life into a church - and when pastor appreciation rolls around you just get a few handshakes and pats on the back... and maybe a check from the church.... which is good and all - but it doesn't SPEAK and SHOUT Appreciation the way it could and should?

I could go on.  But that should give you a taste.  :)

October is Pastor Appreciation Month (aka Clergy Appreciation Month).  I know that many churches have a plan to express their love to their pastors, but I also know that many churches "ASSUME" that their pastor "KNOWS that we love Him".... therefore we don't really need to do anything other than shake his hand, pat him on the back, and say "we appreciate you pastor."

I see it a little like the relationship in a marriage.  Imagine that a husband marries his wife and tells her that day how much he loves her.  However, over the next 10 years they just co-exist and and the husband does not continue to express his love to his wife in tangible ways.  Will the wife really KNOW how much her husband loves her?  Or will his ongoing and sometimes surprise and unexpected acts of love and service PROVE that that love is still alive and true?

Many of us have studied the book, "The 5 Love Languages".  These concepts have helped us with our marriages, our parenting, our work relationships... to understand how others "feel" love and to "speak" their love language.

Might I ask.... during this month of Pastor Appreciation - how are you as a church expressing your love and appreciation to your pastor and his family? Let's just look at the 5 love languages to get our ideas going:

* Words of Affirmation
  • Host a banquet or dinner at the church and have an open mic testimony time for people to express to the pastor just how much they have meant to them... Be sure and ask specific people to prepare something (just in case no one is brave enough to get up and talk....that could bomb the whole party!)
  • Submit an open letter to your local newspaper appreciating the love and sacrifice that your pastor lives out for your church
  • Film a video scrapbook - interviewing as many people as possible in the church about how the pastor has made a difference in their lives and in the church. Your young people should have the technology know-how to help with this project!
* Receiving Gifts
  • Present your pastor with a Gifts of Service coupon book.  Have different people in the congregation offer to do special tasks for them through out the year.
  • Give them gift cards to their favorite restaurant.
  • Send them on a 2-3 day get a way at a nice resort.
* Acts of Service
  • Look at what is in YOUR hand.  What do you have expertise in that you could offer to bless them with?  
  • Many times pastors do not have the expertise, funds, or time to take care of their personal things like their home or cars...
  • If you are a mechanic- offer some type of free service to your pastor's car.
  • If you are a handy-man - offer to fix some things at their house that need attention.
  • If you are a good cook - offer to bring them a meal once a month.
  • If you are a beautician - offer free haircuts for the family for the year. 
  • What can you do?  Ask God to show you a way you can serve...
* Personal Contact (Physical Touch)
  • When is the last time you personally shook the Pastor's hand and TOLD HIM how much you have been challenged from a sermon?  
  • Greet your pastor with a smile and an encouraging word - not just a handshake and a hello.  Pause to express something more than the generic.
*Quality Time
  • Take your pastor and his family out to dinner
  • Ask you pastor over for dinner
  • Ask your pastor and wife to join you and your spouse for a double date or a movie
Please feel free to share this post with others in your church.  Even if you have already "celebrated" pastor appreciation... maybe you could do more?  :)

We love our Pastors, their families, and the churches that are being lighthouses in our communities all across our nation.

Love your missionaries,
Brad & Glenda McMath
Macy, Mia, & Micah

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Just WHAT is it you guys are doing again?

I know it may seem that every update I posted so far this year has been more about our family,  our crisis, overcoming trials, regaining health, etc

But you know - even though our ministry was "going on"... it was our FAMILY that was fighting tooth and nail to find normalcy and health again!  And I knew that the prayers of our FAITHFUL friends and support team were so important to sustain us by God's hand as we walked through this season.  The past 2 months have proven to be the greatest steps forward for both our family and my health.

HOWEVER, I am WAYYYYYYYY overdue in sharing with you how God is using Brad and the missions ministry team we work with!!!  Brad now works with International Ministries under the AGWM umbrella.  He actually went to Holland in May for a week for some strategic meetings on using media to reach, to teach, to tell the story, and so much more... but I will save that for another blog post! (Spoiler Alert: Corrie ten Boom house...)

There is SO much to share!

1.  For example: Did you know that we are now working with the missions team we started out to work with in the beginning of our missions journey?  Over 5 years ago?  Our path took us on a detour - but now God has brought us back to where we started!

2.  Did you know that a little over 5 years ago - this missions team - Network 211 - had a vision to reach 10 million people online in 10 years?

3.  Did you know that is has only been 5 years... and we are about to hit our 9 MILLIONTH visitor to our evangelism sites?

4.  Have you guessed that we have recently had to re-up our vision??  We have done it in 5 years - NOT 10!

5.  Did you know we are now talking about instead of Project 10 Million - going to Project 100 Million?

6.  Did you know that  our evangelism web sites are offered in English, Farsi, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Spanish?

7.  Did you know that you can go to and see REAL TIME results as people around the world visit our evangelism websites?  We spend a lot of time using google ads to drive "seekers" and "hurting/needs based searchers" to the sites.

I REALLY believe that in these last days God is going to REDEEM technology and use it to bring the transforming hope and knowledge of the Gospel to those who have not heard.... excited that He has allowed us to be a part of the Harvest of souls Internationally.

Thank you for praying for our family. Please continue to do so!

And please be praying for this media ministry.  It is not about just "doing" media.  But it is about evangelism.  REACHING people with the transforming power of Jesus and helping them find a REAL relationship with God.  This is a HUGE task.  The Holy Spirit is already drawing people in these last days...  and we are doing our best to be "there" -aka - our "location/field" is ... ONLINE.  

8.  Did you know that the amount of people now ONLINE constitute the official LARGEST language group?  Who will speak to the nations?  Who will tell them of His love?  Who will give up a normal life to make this mission your life work?

We will.  But we can not do it alone. The prayer and support of our friends and team sustain us...and sustain this work.

Thank you Jesus for people and churches who believe in us.  And in this calling. 

We LOVE you!

Authentic Relationship with the One True God

Wow. Just wow.  Just started this book.  

It's been on my shelf for a long time.  I didn't expect the pages to be so rich with God-searching... so stirring... so... TIMELY. this.... "I want more than just spiritual life but spiritual health - whereby my soul is not just renewed and restored but becomes a source of refreshment for others.  God-infused lifestyle...  ...I want my love for Him to come alive again so that my heart dances at the very thought of him.  I want a REAL relationship with Him...  

I want a relationship that is real, authentic, and life-giving even when it hurts.  I want to know God stripped of as many false perceptions as possible.  Such a journey risks exposure, honesty, and even pain, but I'm hungry and desperate enough to go there.   I want to know the Organic God." -Margaret Feinberg

Here is the link to buy it on Amazon... Just in case this stirred your soul like it did mine this morning!  

The Organic God The Organic God
by Margaret Feinberg
4.7 out of 5 stars (60 customer reviews)
94 used & new from$2.92
Learn More  

Friday, May 24, 2013

One Year Ago Today - Life Spun Out of Control!

One year ago today... we went for a special ultrasound with a specialist in Madrid.  The day before we had a special test done at the OB's office that is typically not done in the states... "fetal monitoring"... where the doctor said "something" isn't right.

After our specialized ultrasound we had to wait 20 minutes for our doctor to call the office and translate the results to us since no one in the office spoke English.  He said, "Meet me at the hospital as soon as possible. We may have to take the baby"... in his broken English.  I was like.... "say what"...????  So I called my friend Gladys Rodriguez and had her call him to verify.... I was sure I had misunderstood.  I am always the optimist - and was sure that he meant let's just do another test...

But sure enough - he was NOT joking.  The cord was wrapped around his body and diminishing his oxygen.  Within minutes of arriving at the hospital and a flurry of tubes and needles, and monitors.... he said "we must go to surgery.... caesarean is necessary to save the baby's life..."

I was in SHOCK.  Say what?  Surely not.

Then they gave me a shot of some kind of adrenaline to make my heart race... "in order to get the baby's heart rate up".  From that point on things were CrAzY.  My heart was pounding... they were racing me to O.R.  Gladys and Gil walked in mere minutes before they rushed me off.  Macy and Mia were able to stay in the room with them.  I thank God for their quick desire to meet us at the hospital for support!  Because of them our girls were not traumatized!!

Brad was still checking me in...  In the OR they began to crazily open sterile instruments and throw them on the table while rapid fire speaking in Spanish... the anesthesiologist was pushing me over trying to get an epidural in all the while speaking to me in Spanish... (which I had no idea what he was saying :( ... and my heart was RACING)...

I kept asking the one nurse that knew a little English - "where is my husband?"  Brad eventually was brought back after they found him at the check in desk.

They immediately started the c-section - and it was.... violent... if that could be used to describe it...  NOT at all like those pretty little calm ones you see on the discovery channel.  Brad said he thought they were going to thrash me off the table in the process of getting him out.  It was CrAzY.  I was crying.  Brad was praying in the Spirit.  That gave me peace in the midst of the storm. I was still in shock.

Micah came and then was whisked away.  Immediately to NICU.  Ventilators and tubes.  His lungs were not ready and he was in distress.

It would be 24 hours before we could see him, and several days before we could touch him. Only one nurse in the NICU spoke English - and she was only there for a few hours a day.

3 days later, on May 27, starting at 9 AM (Arkansas time) (4 PM Spain time) - Micah was able to go without his ventilator and oxygen....
It stayed off all day!  And wow at the progress!  We got to see his face for the first time without the tubes!  The pediatrician was in shock at this progress! We told her that we had hundreds of people and churches praying this day - it was a Sunday - and she said "'s working."  Which is shocking to hear from a Spaniard - in a nation where God mostly represents only their religious roots or many do not believe in God at all.

Six days later they told me I could finally hold him.  I cried in disbelief.  It had felt like an eternity!  I realize we are blessed b/c many people have to wait much longer before holding their NICU babies...and many others have lost their children.    

The doctor later told us that if he had not taken him that day - Micah would have died in utero within a few days.  We realize we hold a miracle today.  Happy 1st birthday to the happiest, healthiest baby boy I know!  You are a miracle.  Being born in Spain may have saved your life.

And here is my little birthday stinker.  Precious.

And it started quite the journey for ME.  After enduring crazy things with my body and mind, being diagnosed with PTSD, and returning to the states, I have made great strides in recovery - but am still not 100%.  But I thank God for progress. For what He is doing IN me, both body and spirit.

One thing God has given me through all of this is a new lens through which to look at life with.  I understand pain more than ever before.  And every time I turn around - I am meeting people going through trials and pain.  And they see in my eyes that I get it.  I really get it.  I understand.  I don't just pat them on the back and give them cliche answers.  I hurt with them.  I don't understand with them.  I am walking the path of CHOOSING to trust God as I walk this journey.  And what beautiful opportunities he has given me to share that faith... the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.  And to share the hope of his redeeming this mess.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Long Overdue for an Update!

Well, I am LONG overdue for posting!  It's been busy... here are the highlights:

1.  Brad and I just celebrated our 17th anniversary!  I love him more now than ever.  He showed me strength I never even knew he had as he carried our family during the trials we faced this last year.  Love this man!

We started out the morning with CHOCOLATE GRAVY!  To which all southerners say - Woooo hoo!  And all others say... "say what?!?!"  :)

2.  Brad had the honor of baptizing Macy this past week at James River Assembly here in Springfield.  Even though we have prayed MANY times over the years for Jesus to come into her heart.... etc...  She recently went forward during a children's service... and walked across that invisible line of making her faith her own... not prompted by mom and dad.  She was so excited about being baptized as the next step!

Mia asked her right after being baptized, "Was it fun, Macy?" To which Macy replied, "No, it was not fun Mia... this is SERIOUS business!"  Too cute!

3.  My health = A Pie Chart  :)  The part of the pie where I feel healthy is growing slowly.  I would like for it to be 100%, but so far that is not the story.  However, I am learning to lean into God during this time, and to rest in Him, wait patiently for what He is teaching me, (not so good at that one), and to try and figure out WHO He desires me to be.  What should my priorities be in life and in ministry?  Where should I pour my time?  Because I tend to be passionate about EVERYTHING and think that all things deserve 100% of me.  However, that is such a reflection of how I have lived my life at an unattainable pace for YEARS now.  And it's not healthy.  So I need help in discerning God's clear voice in my life. When to say yes, when to say no.  And to feel good about it.

4.  Brad has an INCREDIBLE opportunity coming up to join a small team of missionaries in the Netherlands for a few days while they brainstorm the best way to utilize media in the coming years for the advancement of the good news of Jesus and His love!  Please be praying for them to have the wisdom and direction of God in their decisions!  #for such a time as this

The MESSAGE we share of Knowing God never changes... But the methods sure do! #mediaministry #mediathattransforms

5. Macy and Mia have done so well in school this year.  They basically both had to do 3 semesters in this one year just to catch up on the curriculum gaps (once again).  The GREAT news is that they both LOVE school and have grown in their self-esteem this year.  Beautiful smiles on beautiful girls! God has brought them on our amazing family journey - and I know He has plans for good in it all!

Mia was able to participate in the patriotic 1st grade program this year at school.  Boy that girl sang at the top of her lungs around the house for weeks!  "Grand 'ol Flag", "Star Spangled Banner", "Yankee Doodle", etc.  :)  She is now more proud than ever to be an American!

6.  Micah continues to GROW and prosper!  He is a BIG, happy, healthy baby!  Thank you Jesus!  From that scary start in the NICU in Madrid - to what we have before us today - what a beautiful miracle!  He is precious! I thank God for His grace.

7.  We have also had the opportunity to invest some time in a few college students here in Springfield.  We recently hosted a get together and had students over from James River Leadership College, Central Bible College, and Evangel University.  #futureworldchangers

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

CSI West Memphis

Just a little video from our archives I ran across this morning....
This is the intro to a video Brad did for West Memphis for a study on the Holy Spirit....
I clipped it to just the intro for the blog.... I just like the theme/effects!  :)

Prayer Update

How can you continue to pray for us?

1.  Pray that God will make me WHOLE.  I have come a LONG way with the healing of my nervous system - but without medication I am not well.  Pray for that complete healing to come.  GREAT NEWS IS: I have turned a corner since New Year's Eve and have made HUGE steps to recovery!

2.  Ironically, God HAS used this time of illness to work in me (Glenda). Pray that he will be able to complete this inner work on my heart.  Lots to share in future posts about insights He's given me to myself and to His Word.  I didn't realize how broken I was not just in body....but in Spirit too.

3.  Pray for Brad as he's been working on testimonies for different evangelism websites with our media team.  He is having to learn a whole new editing software program with them.  Pray that God gives him supernatural wisdom and anointing to fly with it.  :)

4.  Pray for Brad to have favor with all people he comes into contact with.  Pray that we can be a voice to our missions organization as a whole as to how we can take media and excellence to a whole new level.

5.  Pray for our children.  Pray for Macy and Mia to flourish in school and catch up on all the curriculum gaps that have surfaced b/c of the many moves. Pray that God will bring GODLY friends into their lives.  Pray that they, along with Micah, will be world changers and passionate for God from an early age.

6.  Pray for your pastors.  No one realizes the weight, the burden, and the discouragement that faces our pastors.  Pray that you won't be a reason for their burden either!  :)

Dreaming Again

The realization struck us about 2 weeks ago... that we left everything we knew on January 24, 2012 - boarded a plane for a new life in Spain... and mass chaos descended...


Would we still have gone had we known all we would face?  If we had known the difficulties that lay ahead?  Had we known that things would not turn out like we had "dreamed"?

I am not sure that we would have gone if we had known the path before us.

However, yet do we trust that our lives and our days are in the hands of our maker.  And it is HE that directs our steps... and it is HE that ordains each day of our lives and our paths for us.  I can say that now...

...but a few months ago when I was scared, sick, overwhelmed, lost, angry, and desperate - I just kept asking God, "WHY????"

I do "know" that God DOES work ALL things together for his good.  That there is a plan in the mess.  There is a purpose.

And we are beginning to see more and more light shining on our path.

Brad received an invitation this week to be a part of a small team that redefines the way we use media within a certain missions group.  Had we not walked THIS journey, the journey of our entire ministry,  and arrived PRECISELY at this place and this moment - would he have the opportunity to be a part of something of this magnitude?  Not sure.  But I believe GREAT things are coming.

I posted this to twitter and Facebook today:
I dream of using media to accelerate the powerful truth of how we can have a real relationship with Jesus... to people who have not heard of His awesome love #mediathattransformsKnowing God has CHANGED my life! So thankful God rescued me from the world and then He rescued me from MYSELF! Ugh! And Yay God!

DREAMING that God is about to blow up some barriers to reaching the unreached through media - and so humbled that we get to be a part of it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Quick New Year's Update

Wow!  I can not believe it has been 2 1/2 months since I last updated anything on the blog!  I'm so thankful that I am connected via email and Facebook with so many of our prayer team - or you may have thought I had fallen off the cliff (well.....I kinda did....not literally speaking...)

I usually send out an email letting you know an update is on the blog at least every 4-6 weeks.  Sorry this one has taken so long...  but I am SO thankful for the love, support, and PRAYER that we have been the recipients of!  Our email prayer team has 1800+ people... and we KNOW without a doubt - that is has been your prayers that have sustained us through this difficult fire we have walked through this year.  Most of you do not leave comments on the blog - but email us personally - and we save and treasure every word of encouragement! I plan to make a book of all of the emails we've received!


May God richly bless you as you give, as you pray, as you remember us.  We are trusting God to do something so incredibly new in our lives and through our ministry this year - that we will not even be able to believe it!  More to come soon on the amazing ways God is using technology through our ministry partner N211...  and maybe, JUST MAYBE - I can get back to blogging on a semi/at least periodic however random it may be schedule!

And how am I?  Doing better. Making progress.  Two steps forward, one step back.  And so goes the dance.  But we serve a HEALER - and He is making me whole again.  Thank God for where he has brought me from...both in my life...and in this season...

More to come soon!