Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Hey everyone!

We just wanted to make sure that all of our prayer team and supporters know what INCREDIBLE doors God is opening before us.  

We are still Assemblies of God World Missionaries.  We will continue to be AGWM Missionaries.  We are transferring from the "Europe" region and the work with IMM - to working with the "International Ministries" region - working with Network 211.

Joseph said to his brothers in Genesis 45:5: "But don't be upset, and don't be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives."

This verse has resonated with us.  We have found ourselves in a "pit", just like Joseph, and have struggled with understanding the "why's" of it all.  However, we are beginning to see that God is working it all towards HIS purposes.  We really believe that it is GOD who has brought us back to the states... to do a work within World Missions that will change the destinies of hundreds of thousands of people.  And we needed to be back here - at this moment.

A few people misunderstood and thought this was a paid ministry "job" transfer.  Not so!!!!  We will  continue to be Missionaries!  And we need the continued financial support and and commitment of our prayer team to accomplish this work!

There is a "people group" represented by the internet now that is the largest unreached people group.  People in "closed" countries are now scouring the internet in search of information about who Jesus really is....  Other people are searching on the internet for HOPE for their desperate situations.

This is where Network211 uses 21st century technology to present the 1st century Gospel.  It was founded by Dr. George M. Flattery, the founder and President of ICI University and current Chancellor of Global University.  

Since Network211's evangelism sites were launched officially on October 15, 2008 they have been visited by 5,100,462 unique web site visitors!  They just hit over 5 million THIS WEEK!  Of this number, 381,435 made an evangelism response and 118,858 are in a discipleship connection!  These people come from 236 countries and territories.  Can you say, "WOW"!?

Presently, the Network211 evangelism sites are offered in English, Easy English, Indonesian, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, Farsi, Filipino, and Vietnamese.  Soon, they will add American Sign Language.  Projected language sites will include the remaining top ten languages of the Internet: Japanese, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, and Korean.  Other evangelism web sites in development are Marriage and Family, The Hope Road (topics include HIV/AIDS, Domestic Violence, and Human Trafficking), and sites targeting those of other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

There is where Brad comes in.  They have the sites - but they desperately need someone to create the video content.  He will begin working on this soon and will travel abroad at times to create the video material that they need for special language groups.  

The Network211 office is located strategically in Springfield, MO so that they can work closely with AGWM leadership and Assemblies of God General Council.  All of those who minister at Network211 are missionaries, General Appointed or Missionary Associates, and raise their financial and prayer support form AG churches in the US.

A lot of you are asking: "What about your family? "

We had a dream.  A dream God had given us.  Just like Joseph.

And just like Joseph - that dream has taken us down a road we did not anticipate.  Yet do we trust Him.

And just as God worked all of the trials in Joseph's life towards good and towards a purpose - we are seeing Him do this for us.

Miracle #1 - We have a friend that has let us borrow one of his cars until we can get a new Speed the Light vehicle!

Miracle #2 - One of our fellow missionaries down the street from us in Spain contacted us over the weekend.  They own a house in Nixa, MO, (just outside of Springfield) and just lost their renter.  They offered for us to rent their house for less than a normal price.  Thank you Jesus!  We have a roof!  We moved in 4 nights ago with our 2 suitcases and a borrowed mattress!  CRAZY!

Miracle #3 - A friend has offered to help us with rent while we are still paying rent on our house in Spain!  Hopefully, we can be out of that lease soon!

There is a still a lot of chaos before us... we have to ship our belongings back to the states and that may take until December.  However, we got Macy and Mia enrolled in school this week and we are making it!

Please keep praying for our family.  I have been showing improvements with my health - but I still have a long ways to go.


We will keep you updated as things progress!

Much love,

Brad, Glenda, Macy, Mia, & Micah McMath

Monday, September 17, 2012

Difficult missionary journeys

I just "happened" across a link to my dad's blog today... and have not been on his site for some time.... this is the last devotion he posted... 

But God...


2 Corinthians 1:8-9 We don't want you in the dark, friends, about how hard it was when all this came down on us in Asia province. It was so bad we didn't think we were going to make it. (9) We felt like we'd been sent to death row, that it was all over for us. As it turned out, it was the best thing that could have happened. Instead of trusting in our own strength or wits to get out of it, we were forced to trust God totally--not a bad idea since he's the God who raises the dead!


Paul does not give details about their hardships in Asia, although his accounts of all three missionary journeys record many difficult trials he faced (Acts 13:2-14:28; Acts 15:40-21:17). He does write that they felt that they were going to die and realized that they could do nothing to help themselves—they simply had to rely on God.

We often depend on our own skills and abilities when life seems easy and only turn to God when we feel unable to help ourselves. But as we realize our own powerlessness without him and our need for his constant help in our lives, we come to depend on him more and more. God is our source of power, and we receive his help by keeping in touch with him. With this attitude of dependence, problems will drive us to God rather than away from him. Learn how to rely on God daily.


Paul said he went through somethings where he didn't know if he was going to make it through or not. There were times where he was imply in the dark when it came to when, where or how he was going to make it through this dark time in his life. Dark times...dark nights...are tough. Our faith is challenged. Our trust in God is tested. Paul's words and testimony show once again that even when we are in the dark about our situation, God, who is Light, knows exactly where we are. How often do we read in God's Word that it seemed like there was no way out, BUT GOD....

Are you in the dark about the direction God seems to be leading you?

Jon Walker says, "The choice to do His will before we know the specifics... develops trust of His character. This is where many people get into a battle of wills, wanting Him to reveal His plan first. That's not how He works. God wants you to decide in advance to trust Him, believing that His will is best for your life. He knows your hesitancy. He won't be surprised if you say, 'I don't know that I'm willing to step out in faith without knowing everything that's going to happen, but I'm willing to be made willing.' One reason God doesn't give you the full picture... is you may be overwhelmed... it may appear impossible... but that's the point - there's no way you can fulfil your mission without Him."

When Joseph was reunited with his brothers in Egypt, he told them, '... do not be angry with yourselves... it was not you who sent me here, but God... ' (vv. 5-8). Joseph's brothers sold him out, 'but God' used it to preserve the Jewish race. The Israelites were in slavery, 'but God' sent Moses to lead them to the Promised Land. Jesus died on the cross, 'but God' used His death to save a lost world. Oswald Chambers calls God 'The Great Engineer, creating circumstances to bring about moments... of divine importance, leading us to divine appointments'. Think back; can't you recall some 'but God' moments of your own where you'd reached the end of your rope and He came through for you?


"Lord, you know exactly where I am today, even if I do not. There are times that I am in the dark but I know you are not. I am facing a situation today that is testing my faith and trust. I am so thankful that I have seen time and time again YOU come through for me. I have many "but God" testimonies in my life. This will be another one! In Jesus name, amen!"

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hey everyone.  Just wanted to give you a BIG update on the McMath family in Spain!

Since the emergency c-section and Micah's birth - I have not been well.  Days and weeks were going by and I seemed to be getting worse physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Brad and I could NOT figure out what was going on with me... and WHY.
Four weeks ago we met with our area director's and made the decision for us to come back to the states for me to get medical attention.

I went to see my doctor as soon as we arrived.

After asking me lots of questions and having me give him a detailed snapshot of the past 10 months....

the intense sickness I experienced in pregnancy

- packing up to move overseas in the midst of that 


-pregnancy sickness returning with a vengeance, all the while trying to learn the ropes in a new culture

- not being able to speak the language in our new culture - and trying to attend a language school that ended up not being a good fit because they start at a more advanced level than "beginning"

- emergency c-section because Micah's life was in danger, and how traumatic this was for me

-I spent 4 days in the hospital where hardly anyone spoke English... had to use cave man Spanish, pantomiming, and google translate to talk with medical staff

- When I was discharged from the hospital - they demanded that we pay my bill in full.  $12,000.  Of course we could not do that.  They were very rude and angry.  

-Then I had to walk away from the hospital after that experience and leave my baby there in the NICU

-Going daily to the NICU where hardly anyone spoke English... had to be ok with them saying "your baby is improving" - and not being able to communicate about the details of his health

-Having severe gastro-intestinal abdominal pain for weeks afterwards in connection with the c-section, having extreme loss of appetite where I have been losing weight because I can't eat ANYTHING, and feeling completely physically wiped out all the time 


He said that I am experiencing more than post-partum - and it sounds like my body is dealing with a little of PTSD.

I was like - "what is that?"

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.

The doctor said that just experiencing the kind of chronic illness I had in pregnancy is a huge stress.  Just moving to another culture is a lot of stress.  You combine those 2 together and your body begins to reach the maximum of stress it can handle.  THEN - he said when you add in the traumatic events with the baby's birth, the hospital, him being in the NICU, and the complications I had afterwards - your mind and body begin to do funny things.  After coping with that much stress for that long - your mind and body quit working right.  The neuro-transmitters in your brain shut down because they have been coping for such a long time with so many changes and upheavals... and you end up with a severe chemical imbalance that removes your ability to function as you normally would.  

He feels like under the circumstances - that I have done BETTER than what 95% of people would have.  He also said that just the fact that I can coherently explain to him what is wrong with me and how I am desperate to be well shows that I am stronger than I think and that most people with this much stress and trauma would be in much worse shape.

Wow.  Seriously?  I am doing "well"?  I sure don't feel like it.  There is a storm inside of my body that I can physically FEEL every morning.  I have not been able to get better.  

Then came the whammy:  He said it is his professional opinion and recommendation that we not return overseas for at least 6 months to a year and we are sure that I am fully healed.  My doctor is a well known and well respected physician in our area and has even served on the board of directors for our regional hospital.... so I know he knows his stuff.  

I was shocked.  Not what I expected.  I thought he would just change meds and move on. 

However, being the thorough person that I am.... I also went to see our family physician this week... He ALSO diagnosed me with PTSD and recommended that we not return to the field until I am fully healed - but said he couldn't give a time frame.

We have felt paralyzed since then.  

I NEVER would have thought that something like this could happen to me.  I am the optimistic, conquer the mountain, we can do it, never quitting girl here!  

Having a medical condition arise that is affecting my body and mind has been devastating to say the least.  

We have been trying to process the questions, scenarios, & possibilities... It has been sheer anguish.  Especially when we try to decide what to do about our girls and school.  :(

We left Spain with the full intention of returning.  However, we are facing new challenges.  

God COULD have healed me in Spain.  But he didn't.  We have been seeking Him as to "why" and what purpose and plan does He have for us now... 

The beauty in what we are called to do is that we do not have to be in any one geographical location to do it! ...And we feel we have found the new direction God has for us.  We will be joining Network 211, the AGWM internet based ministry started by Dr. George Flattery.  This is the ministry we started out to work with before AGWM asked us to go to Spain.  They are doing incredible things to evangelize and disciple people online and have a great need for a team member to develop their video content.  After meeting with them this week we feel confirmation that God is opening this door for us here and closing the door for Spain.  We will still be World Missionaries, doing work in many different countries and languages - we will just be working with the media ministry team in Springfield, MO.

We have more questions than answers right now as to how this transition is going to work... And to be honest - I am quaking in my boots.  Everything we own is overseas.  We have our STL vehicle there.  We are now in the states, and we don't have a home.  We have no vehicle.  Our children need to be in school.  And I am still not healthy.

We are SO GRATEFUL for the hundreds of people that have been praying for us.  It has been incredible.  We know that this has not caught God by surprise.... and we also know that He works ALL things together for good.  We hope that one day soon we will be able see what His plan has been through all this.  

Please continue to pray for us as we walk through the next few months of transition.  There are really exciting ministry things ahead of us - we just have to get our family settled and my health where it needs to be!

Much love to you all!

Your missionaries,
Brad, Glenda, Macy, Mia, and Micah McMath