Monday, August 19, 2019

Broken Link...

OK... so I am having major issues with our blog. Technical difficulties.  So over the past couple of years I lost total access to it, and when I do get a chance to "trouble shoot" - I have never been able to figure out what all of the problems were.

Because of that I recently let the domain go...
so is no longer good.

However,  all of our content posts are still accessible at

I know everyone probably thinks I fell off the wagon, or even the edge of the earth or something over the past looooooong WHILE here!

And that would be definitely true in some ways!

Thank you to all of you that followed our journey through the years and for the messages of support and prayer that you have sent our way.  Thank you to all of you who have been keeping up with us on Facebook since my technical issues have interrupted my blog updates!

We stand on the shoulders of all of our prayer partners and financial supporters in every work we do for the kingdom!

Your love and support mean so much!
Thank you!!

Much love.