A chapter in our lives has closed.
It is a long story how it all came about - and I will post that as soon as the chaos slows down.
But the short of it is that we are moving to Washington DC in 4 weeks to work in the Protege Program at National Community Church where Mark Batterson is the lead pastor (Author of: In a Pit with a Lion on A Snowy Day).
We resigned from our role as Senior Pastor of Huntsville First Assembly August 3rd. We will remain at the church through Labor Day. We will move somewhere around September 3rd.
We have more questions than answers - but we have a deep abiding peace that this is God's destiny for us.
Brad will be training in the area of multi-media and video ministry (surprise, surprise!) and I will be connecting in the area of children's ministry.
We must be crazy. We will have no salary for one year. We are leaving everything we know.
But we are waiting and watching as God puts the pieces of the puzzle together.
I had so many friends pray SPECIFICALLY over our adoption journey - and God answered EVERY request. So it dawned on me tonight as I am agonizing over some needs we have - that I needed to ask you all to agree with us in prayer and bombard heaven with these requests!
1. We need a place to live. I have been making contacts and sending emails and purusing the rental websites....and praying for a miracle. The cost of living in DC is more than most places - we have been told to expect to pay $1200 - $2200 monthly (or more) for rent. Whew! I have been praying that SOMEONE with a house/apartment will connect with us and FEEL LED to make us a miracle deal. Free would be even better! :)
Please pray that God would give us direction and peace in this decision. We want to have a clean, safe place for our 2 little girls.
Location is another issue. Houses are cheaper further out of DC - but the commute is like an hour or more. We really need something on Capitol Hill - close to the church offices.
So please pray specifically!
2. I filled out an application for a rental and am very suspicious they were trying to scam us. Please pray that God will protect our identity.
3. We need to sell our last two puppies and sell our Expedition and sell some furniture - all money for rent! Please pray that these things will sell and bring top dollar.
4. We need people to support us as missionaries for the year. Please pray that God will direct people's hearts. Lesia is helping me set up automatic draft through our church for monthly supporters.
5. We need God's FAVOR in everything we do this year.
6. Pray that we will LEARN all that God has for us and that we will be a blessing to those we work for.
7. Pray for our health and protection.
8. PRAY that we can find someone who can help us with the girls. We need someone that can help with them on Sundays because we will have a lot of responsibilites that day. We also need childcare for 2 days a week while I work at the church office. We don't feel comfortable leaving the girls with just anyone. We need favor and direction. THIS IS A BIG ONE.
Thank you so much for praying with us. We believe in the power of our God to answer!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
How do I try and catch up all of the months of this year? :)
I will try to do it through pics!
This picture was taken on a HOT day at Silver Dollar City in July. About an hour after we received the email that we were invited to be a part of the Protege program this year at NCC in DC. I think we were still in shock!
The first person that can identify this flashing speed of lightning wins 1 million dollars...well, not really...but you can still guess! HINT: rookie Camp Children's Evangelist that did AMAZING at summer camps!
What an amazing group of girls! It was even fun to bunk with them! (Other than being sprayed by Hannah's hairspray everyday!)
Mackenzie and Taylor spent a week with us this summer while Mom and Dad and Jordan were in Ecuador. We LOVED the girl power that week! I LOVE my sisters so much! We made some awesome music videos - I will have to post them after I edit them! :) Hee Hee!


July 4th Party at our house! We had such great seats to the fireworks show since we live right on the airport!

Oh, precious day.
This is the Summer Kidz Discipleship Program (aka Summer C.I.A.) -swim party! The kids LITERALLY kept saying, "Ms. Glenda, watch me...Ms. Glenda, Ms. Glenda, Ms. Glenda, Ms. Glenda watch me...Ms. Glenda..." NO KIDDING! I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown or change my name by the end of the day! LOL! Neverthelesss, it was an amazing day with some amazing kids - celebrating our summer "togetherness".

First "family" picture of the Ferguson family with their new children! Congratulations on the Gift of Adoption!
My princesses all dressed up and telling secrets! Don't you love Mia's "crown"?! :)

Brad baptizing Janice in the War Eagle Creek! What an awesome thing to be a part of! God has done so many amazing things in Janice this year...we love her!
My brother Jordan turned 15 this year. Yikes! Must say he is quite the hottie! I think he gets that from my dad! :)
Raegan and Macy were flower girls for Zach and Chelsea's wedding. Soooooo cute.


Macy graduating from our preschool at church. Congratulations Jams Preschool for an AMAZZZZZIIINNNNGGG first year! Who ever knew what an amazing ministry/service this would become to our community! Huge applause to Kellie Vanover for being the go-getter to make it happen! Thanks Kellie!

We celebrated our first GOTCHA DAY on May 9, 2008. That marked ONE year that Mia has been in our family. Wow. Has she ever been anywhere else? For those of you who are new to our story - you can read ALL about the Journey to Mia at: www.thejourneytomiagrace.blogspot.com
Family Trip to Silver Dollar City...we TRIED to round up everyone for a group picture...but still missed some "wanderers"! Can you believe that Ms. Clydeen....who is like 75 years old...rode the WILDFIRE!? Geez! I can't even ride those crazy roller coasters anymore b/c they mess up my equilibrium! But she is my new hero! Woo hoo!

Macy and Raegan played T-Ball this year....well, I think they played like one or 2 games?...We ended being out of town for most of them! But it was soooo sweet!
River and Mia sat in little chairs and cheered....ummm....I mean wandered.... to offer moral support.

Kidz Fest left me with such great memories this year! Lesia...a.k.a. Gangsta Girl - and also the bestest Church Administrator in the WORLD showed off her talents for my camera!

I was soooo proud of the kidz human video team! They were AWESOME! And BRAVE! To jump off the huge trailer into the "waves" during the song "Dive" by SCC. Bravo!
Macy and Candace grabbing a hug before the day gets started! Loved the human obstacle course (in the background) - I even raced some kids and beat them! Maybe I am not so old after all! :)
I will try to do it through pics!
July 4th Party at our house! We had such great seats to the fireworks show since we live right on the airport!
Oh, precious day.
First "family" picture of the Ferguson family with their new children! Congratulations on the Gift of Adoption!
Brad baptizing Janice in the War Eagle Creek! What an awesome thing to be a part of! God has done so many amazing things in Janice this year...we love her!
Raegan and Macy were flower girls for Zach and Chelsea's wedding. Soooooo cute.
Macy graduating from our preschool at church. Congratulations Jams Preschool for an AMAZZZZZIIINNNNGGG first year! Who ever knew what an amazing ministry/service this would become to our community! Huge applause to Kellie Vanover for being the go-getter to make it happen! Thanks Kellie!
We celebrated our first GOTCHA DAY on May 9, 2008. That marked ONE year that Mia has been in our family. Wow. Has she ever been anywhere else? For those of you who are new to our story - you can read ALL about the Journey to Mia at: www.thejourneytomiagrace.blogspot.com
Macy and Raegan played T-Ball this year....well, I think they played like one or 2 games?...We ended being out of town for most of them! But it was soooo sweet!
River and Mia sat in little chairs and cheered....ummm....I mean wandered.... to offer moral support.
Kidz Fest left me with such great memories this year! Lesia...a.k.a. Gangsta Girl - and also the bestest Church Administrator in the WORLD showed off her talents for my camera!
I was soooo proud of the kidz human video team! They were AWESOME! And BRAVE! To jump off the huge trailer into the "waves" during the song "Dive" by SCC. Bravo!
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