Two years ago on July 4th we took my mom and sister to Toledo, Spain, for sightseeing. Even though I (Glenda) was still in incredible pain from my c-section 5 weeks earlier - I didn't want my mom and sister to go back to the US without ever getting out of our house in Spain!!!! Sadly we spent the day at the police station filing a report on Mackenzie's backpack that was stolen as soon as we got to Toledo. It was an #epicfailday.
Two years later. So. Much. Has. Happened. Since. Then.
Pain. Sickness. Loss. Grief. Pressure. Confusion. Anger. Acceptance. Healing. Renewal. Trust. Revival. Balance. Growth. Depth. Health. Stability. Peace. Joy.
That is a LOT of seasons. It has been a long journey to recover from the effects of PTSD and understanding why God would allow such a thing to happen when you have left everything to follow His leading.
Yet do I know and understand Romans 8:28 like never before. Even in the squeezing - God is working in and for us. I found that so hard to believe during this difficult season… but I clung to it… I hoped. I trusted. SOMEHOW God you are going to WORK ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR GOOD.
I am still not 100% whole in the healing of my nervous system…. but the past 3 months have brought the greatest strides towards that goal than the entire 2 years since Micah's birth. AMAZING. ALL GLORY BE TO GOD!
Today I celebrate the great heritage God has given us as Americans… in spite of all America's blemishes and failings… I am so thankful for those who gave their lives so that we could be FREE. There are so many around the world that would give anything for the freedoms that we have. Freedom to choose Jesus first and foremost.
The ministry that we are working with continues to grow in INFLUENCE in so many nations around the world. In just the past 3 months we have added websites with videos/content for searching people to learn about the TRUTH of JESUS…. in Russian, Japanese, and next week Korean.
This is a live - as of RIGHT now map of all of the people responding to the TRUTH of JESUS in the past hour or so:
Can anyone say - "Thank you God for Network 211 taking the TRUTH to the world through the internet??!!" My soul rejoices at lives touched. I am one who was forever changed by the saving power of Jesus who took the empty shell of who I was and filled me up with REAL LIFE.
Until next time….. Love to ALL of our friends, family, supporters, and PRAYER WARRIORS! You are what keeps us going! You are the feet we stand on as we work for the goal that God has called us to!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!