Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Pebbles.  That is what I feel like in light of some of these GIANTS of missions work.  One speaker this week shared about their life in the Middle East.  After sharing just a smidgen about faith with someone involved with a terro*ist cell - he was told that they would kill him if he tried to change them.  Not long after that - they received a call to not go home b/c the terro*ist group was there.  They had to leave everything and start over. They have children.  I can NOT even imagine.  However, they fell CALLED to be there.

And we have worried about the "huge leap of faith" to move to Spain...  Even though learning a new language, adapting to a new culture, working to create and develop a media witness in the world, and leaving what we know and love seems so HUGE at times.... it is nothing compared to those willing to give their lives in sensitive countries to reach the lost. I'm not even a pebble.  I'm just the dirt under the pebble.

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