Thursday, November 25, 2010

Something NEW I'm thankful for this year

Usually I am giving thanks for the typical things on Thanksgiving.  Our family, our home, our provision, our health...  But this year I have something new to be thankful for...

I am thankful for the call.  The call to missions.  Nothing has required more sacrifice, and nothing has brought more honor and humility to my heart.  My heart now beats to a new rhythm.  It beats with greater intensity when I think of the millions of people living in our world that have no knowledge of who Jesus is and what he came to this earth for.  I long for them to know the same hope and love that I do.  Knowing God has changed my life.  I have never been the same.  I was so empty before I came into a real relationship with God.

My heart beats strongly for those living in darkness to have their emptiness filled with God's all encompassing LOVE.
I am thankful this year for those that have partnered with us.  It is humbling.  It is an honor.  63 families and 34 churches have joined our monthly support team so far.  They are going to get us to Spain to do this work.  They are going to keep us there to complete it.  I am exceedingly thankful for their faith in us.
My prayers today:
1.  Mia's surgery on her eyes is scheduled for January 10th.  I am praying for the doctor to have divine wisdom and to be able to perfectly correct her eye alignment with this one surgery.
2.  My friend Heather is in an adoption battle for her little girl that she has had since birth through DHS.  The birth father showed up right before the adoption was finalized to say he wanted her.  In recent days he has been wavering in that decision and has stated that he doesn't even know if she is really his.  I am praying for God to complete the work of putting Layna with the family he has chosen for her.  They do not have any other children.
3.  I am praying that God will get us to our field.  We must be 100% funded through monthly financial supporters before they will send us.  I feel the stirring that we need to be there NOW.  The window is open to reach people through media NOW.  Please pray with us that God will stir hearts and that more churches and families will become monthly partners.  We still need about 75 more people/churches to join us.  McMath Family Support Page 
There is one more thing that I am thankful for in a new way this year.  I am always thankful for this - but this year it is stronger than ever before.  I am thankful for God's gift to me of my husband.  He is perfect for me in every way.  I love him now more than ever.  I will follow him anywhere God leads Him.  I believe in Him.  I am thankful for the 2 little girls in my life. They become more wonderful every day.  It is a gift that God chose me to be their Mom.

Is there anything new that you are thankful for this year?

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